Category Archives: FEATURED

Make a Difference

How to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life in 2025
Becky Kospanova
October 21, 2024

Stand Down South MP

At the start of New Year, many people make resolutions to improve their lives. Often, people want to enrich their personal lives, grow professionally, improve their appearances, or pick up some hobby. However, one of the most rewarding things a person can do to vastly enhance the quality of his or her life is to make a positive difference in someone else’s life. There is nothing quite as fulfilling and gratifying as a realization that, by sharing some of your time and talent, you have impacted someone else in a positive manner. Not only you would help some other person but, by being involved in someone else’s life, you might learn something new, make new friends, and broaden your horizons.

What are the best ways to make a positive difference in someone’s life? Of course, it all depends on your personal interests and abilities, but even the smallest gesture can brighten someone’s day. A kind word or a smile go a long way, but with a little effort you can make an even a bigger impact. There are several venues worth researching if you decide to make a positive change in someone’s life in 2025.

1.Do not be afraid to make small gestures. Even if you do not have enough time or opportunities to volunteer, you can still make a difference in someone’s life by making small things such as helping your elderly neighbor with her groceries, offering to babysit your friend’s children, and providing a listening ear to your friend without passing any judgment. Just few encouraging words or a small act of kindness might be all that a person needs at the moment.







2.Start with your family. The easiest way to make a positive change often starts with your family. Frequently, people take their families for granted and do not pay sufficient attention to those closest to them. Make a resolution to have a real conversation with your spouse and kids, explore various family activities available in your area, and be kinder – your family life will improve tremendously!

3.Explore volunteer opportunities in your area. Usually, there are many volunteer opportunities in every town in the USA, and it is even easier to find something which interests you by doing some research on-line. Such sites as or www.smartvolunteer.orgprovide plenty of information and can match you with volunteer opportunities, depending on your skills, interests, and time you can afford. Consider what issues are important to you such as environment, civil rights, animal welfare, community development, children’s issues, overcoming poverty and such and make a decision to get involved.

4.Become a mentor. Many children do not have an advantage of having a mentor figure in their lives, and you can make a real difference in a young person’s life by sharing your life experiences and skills. You can get involved in such organizations as “Boys and Girls Clubs of America,” become a coach, or offer some lessons in your local community center (for example, you are good with computers, arts and crafts, or can teach chess). It is especially pertinent nowadays when, due to economic circumstances, many community organizations do not have sufficient funds to finance such lessons.

5.Volunteer at a local long-term care facility. Many people who are ill or incapacitated are often abandoned by their families. You can greatly improve their lives by spending some time with them. You can read to them, have a conversation, take them for a walk – just a little of your time and attention might take their minds off their circumstances and you will make a new friend!

Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Every person can positively impact someone’s life by sharing his or her time and talents and the world will become a better place to live!



Anger Management

angerWhy Anger Management Skills are Important to your Health

Everybody experiences anger at some point of time or the other. A certain degree of anger is normal and healthy. However, if it gets out of control you can harm not only yourself but also those you come into contact with. Anger is probably the most real of all human emotions. It can increase your determination and will-power to reach the heights of success or it can catapult you into the valleys of fury and rage. By itself, anger is not really dangerous to your well-being. Everything depends on how you deal with it.

We lead a different life as compared to our fore-fathers. Technology has perhaps improved life in many ways but it has also made it difficult and stressful. We have no time to smell the roses. We always have to do something yesterday, right now, today or tomorrow. This leads to overwhelming pressure and stress. Let’s take an example of the average married man. He wakes up in the morning to rush to work sometimes without breakfast. He travels miles to his workplace only to be reprimanded by his boss for late-coming. During the day he has projects to complete and deadlines to meet, all under his immediate supervisor’s watchful eye. If something goes wrong he is held responsible. He returns in the evening to a mischievous child and a wife who grumbles about his never having the time for her. A squabble follows making him feel stressed out, angry and depressed. And this is an average day in the life of a married man. The bad days are a different story altogether.

Anger Management: In this age of unusual stress and pressure, anger management is of paramount importance. It teaches you to accept what you can’t change and channel your energy to feel positive and calm. It is important for people from all walks of life to control and manage their anger. Employees must learn to deal with work pressure and demanding supervisors. Bosses should control their feelings of hostility towards perceived inefficient workers. Couples must stop venting their frustrations on each other. Anger management teaches you all this and much more. Organizations must recognize the need to incorporate anger management into their training programs. Expressing feelings must be encouraged and honest feedback should be provided. This will bring about a sense of harmony and increase productivity at the work-place.

Stress Management and Anger: Stress and anger are two sides of the same coin. Often, we are angry because we are stressed and vice versa. The causes of stress are many. Demands at the workplace, uncompromising supervisors, inefficient employees, strained relationships, health issues and financial worries are some of these causes. If you can learn to beat the heat and manage stress half the battle is won. There are various techniques that can be used to manage stress. Try deep breathing when faced with a tense situation. Yoga and meditation can also work as stress busters. Therapists endorse exercising as a means to release feel good hormones and do away with stress and tension.

All said and done, anger and stress to a certain degree is desirable and healthy. Excessive stress can lead to fits of anger and affect all aspects of life. Managing stress and anger is important for your emotional as well as physical well being.

The most effective way in managing your stress and anger is to learn anger and fear control skills by taking an anger management class. It would be most helpful if the classes focused on anger management, stress management, assertive communication, and emotional intelligence.

By Gregory Kyles, LPC, CEAP, CAMF


Breaking News GirlRO’S Extraordinary Adventures, Episode 2 Comic Book Now Available At Book Stores


“GirlRO’S Activist Team” is a one of a kind, standalone original comic in the same vein as “Hero’s”, but with a brand-new spin that includes two intertwining stories. “GirlRO’S” were bred to possess enhanced traits and abilities, which allows them to produce stronger than normal antibodies and other genome traits, with the hopes of preventing future pandemic epidemics, with missions of intervention preventions.

Episode 1, “ORIGNS”The birth of “GirlRO’S” originated in march of 2000, after The National Human Genome Research Institute awarded a $250 million-dollar research grant to Lucile Adams-Campbell Epigenetics Genome Institute, for a (DNA) subject paring research study that may lead to enhanced antibodies in their test subject’s offspring.

The story starts with a social media marketing campaign that is seeking volunteers (looking for paid research volunteers). Ten (10) volunteer conceiving test couples were selected with 10 alternates, based on the strength of their genome traits that each subjects have.

They were matched with partners that share the need for each others genome traits, which, in theory, will produce children with only strong genome traits.

Five (5) males and Five (5) females selected.Using the theory of Epigenetics, trails carried out at the LAC Epigenetics Genome Institute campus, headed by the managing Director, Professor Sensor Knowsit.

The paring couple’s kids inherited genomic traits will hopefully provide them with the ability to produce vaccines, that may prevent virus and bacterial infections prior to any epidemic.

“GirlRO’S” Extraordinary Adventures is a story about the exploits of these five young multiracial females, plus a transgender male trained under the epigenetic theory study.

“GirlRO’S Activist Team” are advocates for fighting injustice that harms others, with a priority of helping abused girls and women around the world as they master their inherited enhanced traits and other trained abilities.

Episode 2 “Campus Connections” is about all the paring parents seeing the Campus and meeting their partners for the first time, and the birth and growth of the children, that will become the Activist Team “GirlRO’S” under managing Director Professor Sensor Knowsit, and each of the other study subjects.

The missions that “GirlRO’S Activist Team” undertake and expands in each new Episode Issue of the Comic Book, with a variety of challenging, yet ongoing possibilities for helping others.

“The next big idea in health and social prevention against young people, with a focus on girls” “GirlRO’S” G FORCE” Fan Club Support Team, Is Vital In Helping With Their Intervention Prevention Mission” says Feature Editor, Waiting Room, USA Magazine.

Episode 2, Can Be purchased At, Amazon, & Most Comic Book Retailers.


Web Site


Join GirlRO’S G FORCE Fan Club Support Team

Join G-Force

Social Media
Girlro’s G FORCE Fan Club Support Team


@Sirron Kyles







The Astrology-Zodiac Fashion Collection By Sirron 12 Fashions



4110 Almeda # 8305, Houston, Texas 77288
[email protected], PH: 281605-9299

Sirron 12 fashions announce their collaboration with several talented fashion designers and the French clothing manufacturer, Le Galeriste, to create The Astrology-Zodiac Fashion Collection from artwork created by the artist known as Sirron 12. This clothing line is made with some of the world’s most delicate fabrics and threads.

The clothing collection consists of designer casual, high-fashion, and active wear; 90% of the collection focuses on women fashion and is created for those who like to express themselves with this edgy clothing line.

Each astrology sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) features 30 unique design pieces and accessories.

These beautiful accessories include scarves, shawls, headbands, pouches, and belts. Revel in the beauty of our over pieces, cardigans, kimonos, and ponchos.

Enjoy a night out in our wide variety of dresses; long & mini skirts, wrap dresses, maxi dresses, t-shirt dresses, v-neck dresses, cape dresses, full & short length, reversible, sleeveless, and short and long sleeve dresses.

Our more casual line includes sleeveless tops, short & long sleeve tops, tank tops, tunics, t-shirts, and active wear tops and bottoms.

Men can enjoy the fine line of t-shirts, sweatshirts, knit pants, jumpsuits, leggings, joggers, and Palazzo pants.

Visit our store front at or to experience the collection in real time.

Thanks & Enjoy The Experience!


What Is Aromatherapy?

What Is Aromatherapy
by Emily Cronkleton April 30, 2022

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy.

Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health, we recommed “Scent Bomb”.

Aromatherapy is thought of as both an art and a science. Recently, aromatherapy has gained more recognition in the fields of science and medicine.


How long has Aromatherapy been around?
Humans have used aromatherapy for thousands of years. Ancient cultures in China, India, Egypt, and elsewhere incorporated aromatic plant components in resins, balms, and oils. These natural substances were used for medical and religious purposes. They were known to have both physical and psychological benefits.

Essential oils distillation is attributed to the Persians in the 10th century, though the practice may have been in use for a long time prior to this. Information about essential oil distillation was published in the 16th century in Germany. French physicians in the 19th century recognized the potential of essential oils in treating disease.

Medical doctors became more established in the 19th century and focused on using chemical drugs. However, the French and German doctors still recognized the role of natural botanicals in treating illness.

The term “Aromatherapy” was coined by a French perfumer and chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé in a book he wrote on the topic that was published in 1937. He had previously discovered the healing potential of lavender in treating burns. The book discusses the use of essential oils in treating medical conditions.

How does Aromatherapy treatment work?
Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption using products such as these:
diffusers, aromatic spritzers, inhalers, bathing salts, body oils, creams, or lotions for massage or topical application, facial steamers, hot and cold compresses clay masks, You can use these alone or in any combination.

There are nearly one hundred types of essential oils available. Generally, people use the most popular oils. Essential oils are available online, in health food stores, and in some regular supermarkets. It’s important to buy from a reputable producer since the oils aren’t regulated by the FDA.

This ensures you’re buying a quality product that is 100 percent natural. It shouldn’t contain any additives or synthetic ingredients. Check out essential oils available on HousTone Publishing.

We recommend “Scent Bomb”s products each with 100 percent natural essential oils and has an array and variety of scents with unique healing properties, uses, and effects. Combining essential oils to create a synergistic blend creates even more benefits for the mind body and spirit.


HousTone Records Signs “The Desiree”

HR QR CODEhousTone Records jpg

HousTone Records Signs “The Desiree”

1200 X 500 PIX The-LOGO-Desiree Brand Croped 05-17-2021


[Houston], [Texas] – October 15, 2021 – HousTone Records LLC, a Texas-based independent record label announced that they have signed Desiree McKinney, also known as“The Desiree” to a multiple-year, marketing and distributing agreement.
The Agreement includes the re-release of her first two CD’s, “A Square’s Daughter” and “The Desiree.”

The Desire Bike HR PIC (1)

“The Desiree” is branded as an alternative hip-hop artist. Just like a majority of artists, the last three years have been very stressful for her. Due to restrictions on live music during the pandemic, she had enough time to write and record material to fill several albums.
At “HousTone Records, we look at The Desiree” as a 4 Tool Star: Singer, Actor, Writer, Model.  She is yet another special talent from Houston, TX, which has long been a hotbed for talented artists, many being female.

“We believe “The Desiree” is well on her way to continuing that trend; we “Struck Gold” with the signing, says Jed Minnon, A & R Manager.

The Desiree A Square s Daughter Cover4 b

The Desiree Front Cover

One of the key elements in HousTone Records´s platform is that all artists agree to record two Top 10 well-known cover songs for every CD that the record label releases.This allows the artist we partner with to be judged by listeners of  music and songs they may be familiar with and then explore the artist’s original music.

Press:  Jay Free, Beat Writer @ WRUSA

“I recently did an interview with “The Desiree’s” Publicist, Mary A. Hartly, and found out that she was hard at work. She has been rehearsing with her band for live shows later in 2021 and shared with me the show’s song set-list.

Desiree’s singing style reminds you of the sultry vocal styles of  “Aaliyah”“Annie Lennox” and “Lauren Hill”; 

but the distinctive tone and control made it clear that it’s her voice that creativily sang the different stories she performs.

Looking at the songs she has selected to perform on her upcoming dates, I understand why I made that comparison back in 2020.” says Jay Free, entertainment beat writer, Waiting Room USA Magazine
For Additional Information:
Contact Information
4110 Almeda, # 8305
Houston, Texas 77288
The Desiree General Information:
PH: 713-454-7582
FAN TEAM Email: [email protected]
You can also follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
For more information on this story, visit &, ,

Exercise in our Fast Paced Lives

Exercise in our Fast Paced Lives
March 21, 2021

As soon as we hear or read the word exercise, the first thing that comes to our mind is crunches, weight lifting, push-ups, pull-ups and other such workouts that make us drip. But, this not what exercise is all about. Such workout or weight training does help us in building our physique, but not everyone has enough time or mental strength to persevere for weight training, especially in this fast paced life.

Working out in a gym helps you to reduce the stress hormones and stiffen your muscles to look good and improve your sex appeal. However, in this fast paced life most of us are not able to find enough time to fit gym in our busy schedules. An early morning walk in the park followed by light stretching or a sweltering jog is the need of the hour for all such individuals. This will help you cope up with stressful situations in life and look at the world with a new perspective. Physical well being is the first step to happiness and our complete well being.

Exercise is defined as any activity that is responsible for the well being of our body, mind or soul. Exercise could be anything from a walk in the park to a whole-hearted laugh, as they relieve us of the stresses accumulated in our mind and body.

Physical exercise plays a vital role in our well being, however that is not enough, for most of the exercises are meant for strengthening our muscles and physical well being, but what about our mind and soul? Yoga is a form of exercise that results in the well being of our mind and soul along with the physical well being.

Yoga can be performed by individuals of all age groups and can even heal most of our ailments which is not possible with any other form of exercise. It improves the flexibility of our muscles, relieves stress and takes us closer to our inner self or conscience. It makes our spirit pure and genteel. Yoga involves various deep breathing techniques, light physical exercises and meditation. It is an ancient Indian technique that was mostly adopted by ascetics or yogis which made them live longer and healthier lives. People have realised the importance of yoga lately and groups from all over the world are involved in its promotion.

For the individuals who can never find time to exercise, yoga is the way to go. It is performed for 15-30 minutes daily with not even a single drop of sweat and will leave you feeling fresh and healthy unlike weight training exercises that leave you feeling drenched and tired. Even the aged can easily perform yoga and will benefit a lot from it. Although, it involves professional training for at least a month to be able to perform it on your own in the appropriate manner.

Another form of exercise is ‘laughter’. More and more people are accepting this fact and are opting to laugh instead of dripping at a gym. “Laughter is the best medicine”, is a doctor’s favourite quote, but hardly any follow. Laughing hard can have the same effects as that of jogging and other stretching exercises. A laugh reduces the stress level instantaneously, though it’s not easy for each of us to develop the habit of laughing when we are stressed, but it can be adapted with perseverance and would definitely prove to be helpful.

It a nutshell, exercise is a must for every individual and must not be limited to its physical form, but extended to its mental and spiritual forms as well.


Long Term Wigs-Weaves Sewn-Glued Maintenance Points: Most Important; TIME

Long Term Wigs-Weaves Sewn-Glued Maintenance Points: Most Important; TIME

Waiting Room USA SR. Editor
26, 2021

Why Women And Girls Should Think Twice About Keeping Substitute Hair Attached To Their Scalp For Extended Period Time, And The Needs For Mobil Hair Salon’s Serving Black & Brown Under Privilege Communities.

Unknown to many, wearing wigs has been a part of the world’s different cultures since time immemorial. In ancient Egypt, both males and females wore wigs made either from human hair, sheep’s wool or vegetable fibers, depending upon their social status. There were a number of benefits for Egyptians from shaving their heads. First it was more comfortable in the hot Egyptian climate not to have hair. Secondly, a bald head helped avoid the danger of an infestation of lice, which was a problem at that time.

However, it appears that Egyptians preferred having “hair” which resulted in the creation of wigs that gave the appearance of hair. The new wigs also protected the Egyptians’ bald heads from the brutal sun. Wigs became part of daily wear for the Egyptian people indicating a person’s status as well as their role in a society or politics. Woman’s wigs were adorned with braids and gold, hair-rings and ivory ornaments making them more stylish than men’s wigs.

Ultimately, the more elaborate and involved the wig was, the higher the social rank. One of the earliest documented users of wigs was the Egyptians. Since ancient Egypt is so hot and humid, most people, especially their royalty, shaved their heads and donned massive wigs to keep their shiny heads cool. These Egyptian headdresses and wigs are now iconic and representative of the rich culture of Southern Ethiopia and Northern ancient Egypt.

Egyptians were not the only people sporting wigs, but we can also look to the Roman empire and other ancient cultures like the Phoenicians of ancient Greece, the Assyrians of the Mesopotamian, and even ancient Jews of Israel have wigs engrained into their heritage. Wearing a wig could represent your status in high society or show how much power and influence one has over the others. The term “crowning glory” was coined by these ancient people who looked to wigs as part of their daily lives.

Today, in modern times, people wear wigs to look beautiful, boost their self-esteem, and even go as far as signifying their new persona’s. Today’s famous wig wearers include Cher, Lady Gaga, The Kardashians, as well as many male actors in Hollywood, etc.

Of course, seeing these celebrities wearing beautiful hair wigs and extensions have inspires many ordinary people who also have the desire to have the same kind of beautiful hair but without the finances to maintain the upkeep that leads to keeping their wigs on for far too long, longer than what is recommended leading various health issues.

Hollywood has many ladies feeling the need to look like celebrities when even the celebrities themselves don’t look like their dolled-up selves all the time, as to why you see many wearing shorter hair daily which was easier to up keep. Keep in mind wigs and extensions should be use the same as caps and hats, changing them to keep new persona, the same thought should be used when wearing wigs and extensions, the pandemic for women of color took away that options (lack of funds).

Wearing wigs and getting weaves isn’t cheap by any means. So before you go and empty your pockets on a new weave or hair extension, here are some side effects to wearing a wig every day or wearing it for far longer than the recommended 12 hour period every. The epidemic economic impact force many women to use a variety of methods to extend the time frame for keeping wigs and hair extensions attached to their scalp.

Recently in the news; the story where a young lady use Gorilla glue spray to hold her hair in place and ended up having to have a Plastic Surgeon to removed the glue to save her hair follicles, all because she did not have the funds to purchase another wig after being laid off due to the pandemic restrictions, which effected young women of color, especially African American, who are struggling to maintain the look that makes them happy and helps with their self-esteem with limited funds.

Another True story 12/30/2020; a young female sports fitness athlete that require her a professional attractive appearance, and restrictions on gyms severely limited her income for over a year, even though she wanted too remove as her wig weave started shedding badly. With no funds to buy a replacement are set up and a stylist to have it removed she did what she had too. Most African American especially women during the pandemic very little money was available to her for anything except food and lodging.

With her health declining due to issues with keeping the weave in, she sought the help of a friend to try and remove it on her own, where she ran into serious problems as the wig was attached using two methods, sewing and weave glue to keep it in place. After removing the wig, she found that she had to overcome other challenges; the new hair growth had become tightly matted (dreads) around the sewn and glued parts, and because it had not been shampooed are condition smiler to steel wool.

It was her hope that she could salvage the new length of her hair and start out fresh with a new natural look; sadly that did not occur. Over the next 3 days struggling with the aftermath of removing the wig she ask a neighbor to assist/ help her try and untangle the damaged hair using concentrated conditioners the neighbor finally suggested a beautician. The matted hair had to be cut out, which affected her emotionally, something she still has issues with.


We decided to release this article to shed light on a major problem that the epidemic restrictions that has not been given any attention. Hair Salons and Beauty Shops, had to close leaving 90% of their regular customers with little are no options for the regular maintenance of their; which adversely affected those in minority community more than any other community.

Continue reading Long Term Wigs-Weaves Sewn-Glued Maintenance Points: Most Important; TIME


Tiny Houses, Micro-Apartments: Yes Or No?

2013-WRThere seems to be a new movement growing n the USA; people, especially in big cities, are downsizing and starting to live in very small apartments and houses. Primarily, it is an economical decision because rent rates tend to be very high in large cities such as New York, Boston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles and smaller dwellings look like a good option for budget-conscious renters. Moreover, it seems to work the best for single people who spend most of their time at work and socialize outside. Many of the buildings with micro-apartments offer communal amenities such as gyms, media rooms, and outside recreational areas which provide the tenants with an opportunity to meet their neighbors and socialize.

Is it a movement which will catch up? Worldwide, people live in places which are much smaller than what an average American is used to, especially in such countries as Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, India, Japan, and China. But, the question stands whether the American public ready for such a downsizing? As such, there were many reports which claim that living in small quarters might lead to depression, substance abuse, and domestic abuse; moreover, children who grow up in smaller places might develop learning disabilities. According to Susan Saegert, a director of Housing Environments Research Group, children who live in small apartments “can end up becoming withdrawn and have trouble studying and concentrating.” However, such claims need to be studied more because the experience proves them otherwise. After all, school children of Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries routinely outperform their American counterparts in all the school tests; and the lack of space does not seem to adversely affect them.

Moreover, life in smaller places can also mean being more environmentally friendly because one simply spends less energy and leaves smaller carbon print when living in a micro-apartment. If the culture of competing with Joneses was considered outdated, many of Americans might have well agreed to live smaller because it would save them money and effort. – Becky Kospanova


New Year Resolutions

New-Years-Resolutions 14

The advent of New Year stirs the desire to improve their lives for many people. As such, many imagine themselves thinner, healthier, and generally happier than they were in a previous year. Psychologists agree that it is productive to set goals: attainable, self-improving, and realistic. After all, it is in a human nature to want to improve things and what is the better time than the start of a New Year? However, when did the tradition to set New Year resolutions start? And, more interestingly, what are the most popular goals people generally set for themselves?

The tradition of making New Year resolutions traces centuries back. Historical research shows that ancient Babylonians, Romans, and Greeks made New Year resolutions to help the poor, pay their debts, and be better citizens. The goals of modern people seem to be more egocentric. Generally, people resolve to do the following:

1. Improve themselves physically (lose extra weight, eat more healthily, start going to the gym, abstain from alcohol and cigarettes, etc.)
2. Improve themselves mentally (think positive things, be nicer to immediate family, laugh more, enjoy life and surrounding beauty to a full extent).
3. Improve finances and career (pay the debts, apply for a dream job, perform better at a current job, obtain the long-sought promotion, or establish own business).
4. Get better education (develop a new hobby, learn a foreign language, start reading more, get a college degree, take some classes at a local college).
5. Volunteer (donate their time and effort to a worthwhile cause, help those in need, and get involved into community).
6. Improve themselves socially (meet new people, make a new friend, become active socially, travel).
7. Improve themselves spiritually (attend church more often, pray more, reflect on life).

Interestingly, recent research shows that in previous decades people were more concerned with doing good deeds for others, but nowadays people are more self-involved and mostly concentrate on themselves. Even then, most people fail to follow on their New Year resolutions; according to a study conducted by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol, as many as eighty-eight percent of people do not fulfill their resolutions, although initially fifty-two percent of people have absolute confidence in their eventual success.

However, there are ways to achieve success with New Year resolutions. For example, it helps to set them in steps—instead of generally resolving to lose extra weight; it is more productive to say “no” to a pound or two per week. More importantly, it is always easier to do things for others; it fulfills your sense of civic duty, it makes you feel better, and it makes a world a better place. Why not make this year a year to help others?
– Becky Kospanova


Veterans Day Discounts 2020

Veterans Day Discounts
Veterans Day 2020 is on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, 2020. This Veterans Day discounts list will continue to be updated as we learn of more nationally available Veterans Day discounts, meals or
other ways businesses and organizations want to give back to Veterans.

These Veterans Day discounts, free meals and other programs are being shared so that Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors are aware of all resources available to them.

Due to COVID-19, some organizations are now offering discounts to Veterans all the time instead of their regular Veterans Day discounts. These adjustments help Veterans take advantage of the
discounts offered while avoiding the usual Veterans Day crowds.

A new section at the bottom of this story will list all the year-round Veterans discounts. *The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on part of VA. Verify information with the organization offering.

Not sure where to start with VA? Download the VA Welcome Kit or call VA411 at 800-698-

Continue reading Veterans Day Discounts 2020


The Struggles & Happiness Of A Mail Order Wife, Part 1

The Struggles & Happiness Of A Mail Order Wife
by Sirron Kyles And Irish Andrade

Part 1- The Struggles (Rough childhood)

My name is Peony Chen. I turned 21 years old four months ago, and today, I am meeting the man I am marrying. His name is Christian Wells. He is an educated middle-aged man from Scotland. He says he is 41, but the photo he sent the agency didn’t look like it. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. It’s every Asian woman’s dream to find such a man. Our circumstances might have been not so ideal, but we have been talking for a year through emails, phone calls, and on Whatsapp, so I am more comfortable now than when it first started.

Growing up, getting even the basics has always been a struggle, but both my mother and father managed to make ends meet. You see, our family of four live in a 300 square feet public rental housing flats in Kowloon Bay. The rent is Two Thousand Hong Kong Dollars a month. It’s almost impossible to find housing this cheap, so we are lucky. My parents met when my father was on a business trip to mainland China in 1992. He was a construction worker in a small-time company, and my mother was selling cooked food for takeaways in a small canteen for employees. My father ended up staying in China for a long time, and after saving up some money, they moved to Hong Kong in 1999 and got married. I was born in the same year. I was their beautiful pride and joy. My father named me Peony after the lovely flowers he took care of when he worked as a gardener for a big financial firm in Hong Kong. While they reveled in their joy on the birth of their daughter, the money that they saved for their big move didn’t last. My mother went back to work a few months after my birth.

Continue reading The Struggles & Happiness Of A Mail Order Wife, Part 1


About The Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S”

Pre Order The Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S” Alert

Press Release:
October 10, 2020
by Jjay Free, Entertainment Beat Writer, Waiting Room USA Magazine Interviewing Writer & Artist Of  Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S” Set For Release November, 2020



Continue reading About The Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S”


Eradicating Systemic Racism Worldwide, How?

By Jennifer Simpson

“We hold this truth to be evident, that all men were created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable gifts. Among which are right to life, liberty, and personal happiness.”
Declaration of Independence.

We Want Equality For All

This statement above is the founding block upon which America was built. An ideal environment in which everyone can live without fear of discrimination of race, gender, or skin color. A free community of some sort. A world where there is no racism.

Unfortunately, racism is still very much in the system. Racism has threatened to overshadow the much-contained goodness in the declaration of equal rights of men. Not only in the US, but the problem of racism is a global cancer that threatens to shake the world to its core.  At the center of it all is the colored community.

Fight For The Rights Of All

Just so we are clear, racism is an idea or a mindset that makes us see the negative in others. Consider the scenario of a man walking into an occupied hall. If you accord him with suspicion or negative characteristics based on, say his skin color, without ever meeting the man, then chances are that you are a racist.

The evil of racism manifests itself wit these officers

It then follows that the evil of racism manifests itself in our thoughts and extends its arms to workings in our society. In the World we live in today, the manifestation of racism and inequalities is represented in our government, education, leadership position, and sport: a smear and a constant reminder of our nation’s ugly era of systemic racism and slavery.

What is systemic racism? Continue reading Eradicating Systemic Racism Worldwide, How?
