Breaking News GirlRO’S Extraordinary Adventures, Episode 2 Comic Book Now Available At Book Stores


“GirlRO’S Activist Team” is a one of a kind, standalone original comic in the same vein as “Hero’s”, but with a brand-new spin that includes two intertwining stories. “GirlRO’S” were bred to possess enhanced traits and abilities, which allows them to produce stronger than normal antibodies and other genome traits, with the hopes of preventing future pandemic epidemics, with missions of intervention preventions.

Episode 1, “ORIGNS”The birth of “GirlRO’S” originated in march of 2000, after The National Human Genome Research Institute awarded a $250 million-dollar research grant to Lucile Adams-Campbell Epigenetics Genome Institute, for a (DNA) subject paring research study that may lead to enhanced antibodies in their test subject’s offspring.

The story starts with a social media marketing campaign that is seeking volunteers (looking for paid research volunteers). Ten (10) volunteer conceiving test couples were selected with 10 alternates, based on the strength of their genome traits that each subjects have.

They were matched with partners that share the need for each others genome traits, which, in theory, will produce children with only strong genome traits.

Five (5) males and Five (5) females selected.Using the theory of Epigenetics, trails carried out at the LAC Epigenetics Genome Institute campus, headed by the managing Director, Professor Sensor Knowsit.

The paring couple’s kids inherited genomic traits will hopefully provide them with the ability to produce vaccines, that may prevent virus and bacterial infections prior to any epidemic.

“GirlRO’S” Extraordinary Adventures is a story about the exploits of these five young multiracial females, plus a transgender male trained under the epigenetic theory study.

“GirlRO’S Activist Team” are advocates for fighting injustice that harms others, with a priority of helping abused girls and women around the world as they master their inherited enhanced traits and other trained abilities.

Episode 2 “Campus Connections” is about all the paring parents seeing the Campus and meeting their partners for the first time, and the birth and growth of the children, that will become the Activist Team “GirlRO’S” under managing Director Professor Sensor Knowsit, and each of the other study subjects.

The missions that “GirlRO’S Activist Team” undertake and expands in each new Episode Issue of the Comic Book, with a variety of challenging, yet ongoing possibilities for helping others.

“The next big idea in health and social prevention against young people, with a focus on girls” “GirlRO’S” G FORCE” Fan Club Support Team, Is Vital In Helping With Their Intervention Prevention Mission” says Feature Editor, Waiting Room, USA Magazine.

Episode 2, Can Be purchased At, Amazon, & Most Comic Book Retailers.


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