Veterans Day Discounts 2020

Veterans Day Discounts
Veterans Day 2020 is on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, 2020. This Veterans Day discounts list will continue to be updated as we learn of more nationally available Veterans Day discounts, meals or
other ways businesses and organizations want to give back to Veterans.

These Veterans Day discounts, free meals and other programs are being shared so that Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors are aware of all resources available to them.

Due to COVID-19, some organizations are now offering discounts to Veterans all the time instead of their regular Veterans Day discounts. These adjustments help Veterans take advantage of the
discounts offered while avoiding the usual Veterans Day crowds.

A new section at the bottom of this story will list all the year-round Veterans discounts. *The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on part of VA. Verify information with the organization offering.

Not sure where to start with VA? Download the VA Welcome Kit or call VA411 at 800-698-

Continue reading Veterans Day Discounts 2020


The Struggles & Happiness Of A Mail Order Wife, Part 1

The Struggles & Happiness Of A Mail Order Wife
by Sirron Kyles And Irish Andrade

Part 1- The Struggles (Rough childhood)

My name is Peony Chen. I turned 21 years old four months ago, and today, I am meeting the man I am marrying. His name is Christian Wells. He is an educated middle-aged man from Scotland. He says he is 41, but the photo he sent the agency didn’t look like it. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. It’s every Asian woman’s dream to find such a man. Our circumstances might have been not so ideal, but we have been talking for a year through emails, phone calls, and on Whatsapp, so I am more comfortable now than when it first started.

Growing up, getting even the basics has always been a struggle, but both my mother and father managed to make ends meet. You see, our family of four live in a 300 square feet public rental housing flats in Kowloon Bay. The rent is Two Thousand Hong Kong Dollars a month. It’s almost impossible to find housing this cheap, so we are lucky. My parents met when my father was on a business trip to mainland China in 1992. He was a construction worker in a small-time company, and my mother was selling cooked food for takeaways in a small canteen for employees. My father ended up staying in China for a long time, and after saving up some money, they moved to Hong Kong in 1999 and got married. I was born in the same year. I was their beautiful pride and joy. My father named me Peony after the lovely flowers he took care of when he worked as a gardener for a big financial firm in Hong Kong. While they reveled in their joy on the birth of their daughter, the money that they saved for their big move didn’t last. My mother went back to work a few months after my birth.

Continue reading The Struggles & Happiness Of A Mail Order Wife, Part 1


About The Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S”

Pre Order The Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S” Alert

Press Release:
October 10, 2020
by Jjay Free, Entertainment Beat Writer, Waiting Room USA Magazine Interviewing Writer & Artist Of  Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S” Set For Release November, 2020



Continue reading About The Graphic Novel Comic Book, The Extraordinary Adventures Of “GirlRO’S”


Eradicating Systemic Racism Worldwide, How?

By Jennifer Simpson

“We hold this truth to be evident, that all men were created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable gifts. Among which are right to life, liberty, and personal happiness.”
Declaration of Independence.

We Want Equality For All

This statement above is the founding block upon which America was built. An ideal environment in which everyone can live without fear of discrimination of race, gender, or skin color. A free community of some sort. A world where there is no racism.

Unfortunately, racism is still very much in the system. Racism has threatened to overshadow the much-contained goodness in the declaration of equal rights of men. Not only in the US, but the problem of racism is a global cancer that threatens to shake the world to its core.  At the center of it all is the colored community.

Fight For The Rights Of All

Just so we are clear, racism is an idea or a mindset that makes us see the negative in others. Consider the scenario of a man walking into an occupied hall. If you accord him with suspicion or negative characteristics based on, say his skin color, without ever meeting the man, then chances are that you are a racist.

The evil of racism manifests itself wit these officers

It then follows that the evil of racism manifests itself in our thoughts and extends its arms to workings in our society. In the World we live in today, the manifestation of racism and inequalities is represented in our government, education, leadership position, and sport: a smear and a constant reminder of our nation’s ugly era of systemic racism and slavery.

What is systemic racism? Continue reading Eradicating Systemic Racism Worldwide, How?


Mail Order Bride: A New Chapter or A New Fraud?

Mail Order Bride: A New Chapter or A New Fraud?

Mail Order Bride Asia Organization

by Reine Wong

The presence of the First Lady Of The US, a former model like many of the applicants that apply to become a mail order bride has grown in popularity,

Waiting Room USA editors decided to publish this article about the subject as the first of several that will be posted over the next month.

In the twentieth century, mail order bride was a trend for women who live in developing countries seeking for a marital relationship with men from developed countries. Originally, women from developing countries consider being a mail order bride as an efficient way to immigrate to a country with better economy, thus they can be exposed to more opportunities to change their overall life quality.

With more and more new technologies taking over the world, you might think that the subject of this mail order bride business must’ve faded away, unfortunately, no matter how much more upgrades we seem to already have, there are still people, especially women who struggle with their daily life. Women in such cases can barely feed their family, let alone enjoying any privilege from this digital world.

Mei just turned into 20 this year, and she has been working as a cashier in the bistro downstairs of her house. She doesn’t like Hong Kong, it’s too crowded and she has to pull so much efforts to fight a corner for herself. When her mind has time to drift away at work, she often thinks to herself “I wish I was born in America, I’d have so much more freedom and chances in life”. And then life played a trick on her, because soon after, she found out about “Happy Marriage”. Continue reading Mail Order Bride: A New Chapter or A New Fraud?


Too Busy for a Friend?

2020 Class Will Always Be Know For The 2020 Vision They Have Before Them

Too Busy for a Friend?
Unknown Author Not today

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as The students left the room, each one handed in the papers. That
Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. ‘Really?’ she heard whispered. ‘I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!’ and, ‘I didn’t know others liked me so much,’ were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn’t matter.. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in Vietnam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature..

The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. ‘Were you Mark’s math teacher?’ he asked. She nodded: ‘yes.’ Then he said: Mark talked about you a lot.’

After the funeral, most of Mark’s former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark’s mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.

‘We want to show you something,’ his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket ‘They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.’ Continue reading Too Busy for a Friend?


“What’s for dinner, Zorro?”

“What’s for dinner, Zorro?”
Mary Mary

Today I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends. One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have
been married for 20+ years. We were chatting about our relationships and came up with the idea to amaze our men by greeting them at the door wearing a black bra, stiletto heels and a mask over our eyes and little if anything else.

We all agreed to meet in a few days afterward to exchange notes, and Here’s how it all went.

My engaged friend: The other night when my boyfriend came over he found me with a black leather bodice, tall stilettos and a mask. He saw me and said, ‘You are the woman of my dreams. I love you.’ Then we made passionate love all night long.

The mistress: Me too! The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing a raincoat, under it only the black bra, heels and Mask over my eyes. When I opened the raincoat he didn’t say a word, but he started to tremble and we had wild sex all night.

Then I share my not so lucky story: When my husband came home I was wearing the black bra, Black stockings, stilettos and a mask over my eyes. When he came in the door and saw me he said, “What’s for dinner, Zorro?” I file for divorce the next day for Emotional & Mental Abuse


Congratulation Bandleader Ludlow “Bingie” Lloyd Mckenzie


Congratulation Bandleader Basses, Ludlow “Bingie” Lloyd Mckenzie

Press Release July 10, 2017
by Valaie Flact

“Reggae Wellness Expo & Music Festival Mission Focus Is Honoring And Recognizing Unsung Jamaican Music Pioneers & Providing Exposing For Jamaica’s Next Generation Of Music Stars Each Year At The Annual Event. “RW” Mission Is To Always Be A Beacon And Champion Of Encouragement For Reggae Music Workers.”

The 2017 Honor Goes To Legendary High Symbol’s Band Leader Basses, Ludlow “Bingie” Lloyd Mckenzie.

Jamaica is commonly known as the Reggae Capital of the world and home to many great well known reggae bands and even more great reggae singers. Behind every great reggae vocalist’s live show, there was always a great bandleader that help bring their music to life.

“Bingie” has been bandleader for hundreds of these act over the last 20 years, unlike the stars he played behind, many outside the reggae arena have no knowledge of his achievements over that time.

In 1987 Mckenzie form the band “FM Force Band” with Sanchez as lead singer, Sanchez left the band in 1988 to pursue a solo career. Afterward He decided to changed the name of the band to (High Symbol Band).High Symbol Band with original members consisting of members: Ludlow “Bingie” Lloyd’ Mckenzie-(bandleader/bass), Bernard’ Powell-(drums), Elana Lewis-(guitar), Noel Davy-(keyboards),Garth Gray-(keyboards).

Current band member are Ludlow “Bingie” Lloyd Mckenzie (bandleader/bass player), Bernard Powell(Drummer), Philip Porter(Guitarist), Everton “Bubbler” Bryan(keyboardist1), Theodore Bernard(Keyboardist2) Duhaney ‘Singing Green’ Green(Led Singer) and Kenton Boyd(Engineer)

“Bingie” has toured extensively in the Caribbean, Mexico, where he is revered as an icon in Cancun, US, Central America, Europe and beyond.

Sure he was the bandleader for acts that performed before Nelson and Winnie Mandela in Kingston National Stadium, or at the Bob Marley Song Celebration in Australia and if you ever saw any of the acts listed below performing live, its a good chance “Bingie” was the bandleader. Continue reading Congratulation Bandleader Ludlow “Bingie” Lloyd Mckenzie


Choosing “Acupuncture” Over “KemeTones” Is Like Choosing Pain Over No Pain

TAEM Logo Final

Press Release

June 2, 2017

story by Erica Modell

KemeTones © is the Kemetic (Indigenous Ancient, African, Egyptian’s) approach to using Sound Vibrations as Healing Therapy

Definition of Therapist: One specializing in therapy; a person trained in methods of alternative Health care treatment and rehabilitation, without the use of chemicals or surgery

Tchiya Amet El Maat, Natural Health Therapist and Wellness Coach, Specializing in Kemetic Healing and Egyptian Yoga is one of those Therapist that provides therapeutic treatments using Acutonics© tuning forks.

KemeTones © is the Kemetic (Indigenous Ancient, African, Egyptian’s) approach to using Sound Vibrations as Healing with Acutonics©. Acutonics is similar to Acupuncture, except tuning forks are use to direct sound energy vibrations to the same area most Acupuncturist used to stimulate “acupoints” without the pain of the insertion of fine, sterile needles into different areas of the skin.

Tchiya Bening Kemmedacupuncturist 2

Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old healing technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1997, the US. National Institutes of Health (NIH) documented and publicized acupuncture’s safety and efficacy for treating a wide range of conditions. Continue reading Choosing “Acupuncture” Over “KemeTones” Is Like Choosing Pain Over No Pain


People Living Alone: Good or Bad?

People_Living_Alone_1One of the telling features of modern world is that a person can live perfectly comfortably by himself or herself. Historically, people lived together as a large family for many reasons: poverty, food, safety, traditions, money, inheritance laws and such. In many parts of the world—Asia, Africa, some parts of Europe and Latin America— these reasons still play a big role in making people live together. However, most people in Western countries have long abandoned the notion of living together in order to gain some benefits; instead, they prefer the convenience of living alone. Is it a good or bad thing?

Living_Alone-elderlyApart from being a philosophical question, living alone seems to be a practical question for many in Western world. However, first we have to define what it means to live alone. According to most researchers, it means literally living alone: there is no spouse, children, parents, or other relatives living with a person in question in his/her house. It is understandable. Given contemporary economic conditions, many people have to move frequently around the country or world to find a job. As such, close proximity to their families and friends often becomes impossible. A person has to establish a single household. According to Eric Klinenberg, the N.Y.U. sociology professor and author of the book Going Solo, in the 1950s about 22 percent of Americans households were single; nowadays the number is about 50 percent. The increase in single households is quite astonishing.

Mid adult woman sitting on floor,

There are some obvious explanations. People are no longer ostracized because of living alone; it is becoming a norm. Moreover, compared to the 1950s, many women became quite capable of living by themselves, thus escaping centuries-old paradigm of being tied up to their husbands or families. As such, number of single households has increased. Moreover—thanks to modern technologies—most of us are now connected through the web, which gives us an illusion of being together with our families and friends, though virtually. Continue reading People Living Alone: Good or Bad?


Fate of America’s Aircraft Carriers

The Navy announced in July 2014 that it plans to pay International Shipbreaking, a company in Texas, $3 million to rip the vessel apart. According to the Kitsap Sun, the sea service decided it would cost too much to turn it into a museum, and no other countries were interested in buying the 1,073-foot, 61,981-ton vessel.

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Literacy in the USA

children_learning-zbbjrxIt is undeniable that being literate is one of the most important things a person needs to achieve in order to have a normal existence. From everyday things such as reading food labels, medication information, or household bills to more complex tasks such as reading and comprehending books and more difficult texts,  reading enables a person to lead an independent and, hopefully, fulfilling life.

kids_working_togetherThe US Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics differentiate between three types of literacy, “Prose literacy is the knowledge and skills needed to perform prose tasks (i.e., to search, comprehend, and use information from continuous texts, such as paragraphs from stories); document literacy is the knowledge and skills needed to perform document tasks (i.e., to search, comprehend, and use information from non-continuous texts in various formats, such as bills or prescription labels); and quantitative literacy is the knowledge and skills required to perform quantitative tasks (i.e., to identify and perform computations, either alone or sequentially, using numbers embedded in printed materials).” As such, according to their statistics dating from 2003, 22 percent of adults (those who are 16 or older) in the USA perform below basic in quantitative literacy, 14 percent of adults are below basic in prose literacy, and 12 percent in document literacy. Continue reading Literacy in the USA


Refugees and Their Plight

refugees 2The United States of America is one the most popular countries in the world for people looking for asylum. According to US Department of State, since 1975 the USA has accepted more than three million refugees from different parts of the world; and, as The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development statistics demonstrates, in 2012 out of total number of 449 420 asylum seekers into OECD countries and Russian Federation, 68 thousand people came to the USA (next three major OECD countries for refugees are Germany (64540), France (54940) and Sweden (43890)). Who can be considered a refugee?

refugees migrantsAccording to the 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee is someone who “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.” As such, asylum seekers differ from refugees in their legal status, i.e. he or she can claim to be a refugee, but unless their claim is definitively evaluated by national asylum centers and they are granted official refugee status, an asylum seeker can be sent back to their home country. To further complicate things, in modern times millions of people choose to migrate in order to seek better opportunities for themselves and their families (for example, the so-called economic migrants), while refugees absolutely have to flee their home countries because of the fear of prosecution. As such, refugees and other types of migrants are subjects to different international and national laws. Continue reading Refugees and Their Plight


The Religion Of Bob Marley, The Rastafarian Movement

Bob Marley Crop 9th Logo1The Rastafarian movement was born in Jamaica in 1930 when news of the crowning of Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie) as King of Ethiopia, attracted the attention of various Jamaicans who had been to some extent influenced by Marcus Garvey.   Haile Selassie is known to be JAH because of his direct descendancy to King Menelik, (son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba) and King David and because of his inherited title, King of Kings, Lord of Lord, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, which identifies him as the living JAH whose coming was foretold in the Bible, Psalm 68.4, Revelation 5:2-5, 19:16, 22:16,

Various persons connected Garvey’s prophecies of the crowning of a black king who would deliver black people from their oppressors, with certain biblical passages that confirmed to them that Selassie was indeed the Messiah.

Interestingly, these persons are said to have reached this conclusion quite independently of each other.

Among the key figures in this birth of the Rastafarian philosophy were Leonard P. Howell, Joseph Nathaniel Hibbert, H. Archibald Dunkley and Robert Hinds. All were ministers, who formed separate groups based on this revelation.

Howell is the man most credited with the initial spreading of the Rastafarian way of life.  He was a well-travelled man and was reported to have fought on African soil and to have command of several African languages.

Howell had stationed himself for a period of time in North America where the social ravages of racism were common practice.  This directed his intent in working for necessary reforms.  He began his ministry in the slums of Western Kingston, Jamaica. Continue reading The Religion Of Bob Marley, The Rastafarian Movement


Created To Create Unity Physically, Mentally, Spiritually and Financially With Understanding