Category Archives: FEATURED

Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Rio De Janeiro’s 2016 Olympic Games
Part II
Becky Kospanova

This year, thousands of people watched the Summer Olympic Games being held in London, Great Britain – one of the most renowned cities of the world. However, in four years, the Olympiad of 2016 will come to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – a spectacular city with rich history, fascinating culture, and beautiful people. It will be the first time a South American city will host such an event, which understandably brings a lot of pride and excitement to the people of Rio and Brazil.

How did the election process occur? In 2009, members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) met in Denmark to discuss the candidate cities and, after three rounds of voting, selected Rio to hold the 2016 Games. Initially, seven cities (Chicago, Madrid, Tokyo, Prague, Baku, Doha, and Rio) were proposed by their National Olympic Committees to hold the Olympics. After the voting in 2008, the IOC chose four candidate cities – Chicago, Tokyo, Madrid, and Rio- to be considered as a future host of the Games. After three rounds of voting in 2009, Rio received 66 votes as opposed to 32 votes for Madrid and was given an honor to hold the Olympiad. The judges were very impressed by the proposed plans for building an excellent Olympic village and sporting venues located at four zones and connected by a highway ring, which will allow the athletes to arrive at their destinations quickly.

Undoubtedly, athletes along with spectators and fans will be thrilled to have the Games in Rio – one of the most beautiful cities in the world. When one thinks about Rio, the first things which come to mind are its sandy beaches, festive carnivals, the enormous statue of Jesus the Redeemer on top of Corcovado mountain which overlooks the whole city and, of course, its beautiful and friendly people. However, Rio, which was founded in 1565 by Portuguese, boasts rich history and culture as well. Since late 17th century, Rio became an administrative capital of Portuguese America; and in 1808, the Portuguese Royal family along with other nobility, escaping Europe from Napoleon, moved its capital to Rio. Thus, Rio became the only European capital located outside Europe! In 1822, Brazil obtained its independence from Portugal, but Rio stayed a capital until 1960, when a newly built city of Brasilia became a new capital of the country.

Rio’s history and architecture were influenced by Portuguese, French, English, and its native cultures. There are many spectacular churches, museums, palaces, universities, and old homes which will certainly impress everybody. In fact, Rio is the most visited city in South America with almost 2.5 million tourists arriving annually. There are many historical landmarks in Rio such as National Library, the seventh largest library in the world, National Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum of Natural Science, Botanical Garden, and the Imperial Square. On July 1, 2012, UNESCO granted Rio de Janeiro a title of World Heritage Site in the category of Cultural Landscapes.

All these factors will indisputably greatly enhance the experience of Olympic Games of 2016 for all involved!




Dream Mind Tricks

Dreams; Is your mind playing tricks on you?
The human mind, what all is it capable of? “The answer is, pretty much anything and everything.” It has its own mystifying ways to push the boundaries of reality. Things get tricky when an interconnection between the procedures of your mind, imaginations of your dreams and prudence of reality is revealed (Interface). It is then when the mind seems to have taken over reality and causes absurd experiences like Déjà-Vu, Precognition, Premonition, Lucid Dreams and Synchronicity. The cause of all these happenings is said to be a conflict between the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious chooses to push away things, which you are incapable of handling while the subconscious often taps in to the creative an imaginative world where everything deep within is exposed. So when you are on that road leading towards unknown parts (read-subconscious), be prepared’ as you maybe left awestruck with what you may find.

1. Déjà-Vu:

What is that feeling or illusion that causes you to think that you have been their, part of or witnessed a certain situation before? That could be Déjà-Vu and its; literal meaning is “already seen”. You are sitting somewhere, chatting with friends and suddenly you realize that you heard this conversation before. You know exactly where the discussion is leading too and what will be said. Or you visit a place for the first time and that feeling comes over you that you have been there before. It’s not surprising if you are also one of the 70% of the people who claim to have gone through what some would considered a bizarre experience. The reasons and why this happens is a mystery that still continues to go through numerous theories and studies by and between several groups of people. Psychoanalysts explain this as a method of fantasy fulfillment while Psychiatrists describe it as a short circuit occurring in the brain when an event makes its way into the memory, just a split second before you become mentally aware of the event.

 2. Precognitive and Premonition Dreams:

Both these dream types are correlated. When it comes to precognitive dreams, it refers to that dream which implies you are aware of the future. The information that is construed from these dreams cannot be derived from any current studies data that is available. On the other hand, premonitions also refer to intuitions but they only used for the most part to disclose evil forewarnings. The combined conclusion of various researches and surveys reveal that precognition is most likely to happen with people having creative bent of mind while premonitions are commonly observed in emotional and neurotic people.

 3. Lucid Dreams:

Have you ever felt like you were conscious while you are still dreaming? Do you sometimes know that you are controlling a dream to lead to a better ending? If you nodded to these questions, then probably you know the skill of lucid dreaming, where wishes come true. In this state you are intermingling with your subconscious and thus everything seems as authentic as it would be in reality. This is one trick played by the mind that can actually be beneficial for you.

4. Synchronicity:

When two separate events, which are connected to each other, merge unexpectedly without you making any willing efforts, it is known as Synchronicity and means “in time”. Your mind could be struggling with a problem and suddenly an external correlation seems to give you a solution to it. Many people believe in giving consideration to these signs and make life decisions accordingly as if the their sub-conscious universe is guiding them. It is said that this is the result, of a function, which puts things together and into place at a significant time as your mind unfolds its intentions.


So now do you recognize any of these strange dreams occurrences? Is your mind playing tricks on you? Think hard enough and you might unfold the mystery of your Dreams.



History of Olympic Games

Part 1
Becky Kospanova

On August 12, the Summer Olympic Games of 2012 in London have come to a spectacular end. The United States earned 104 medals including 46 gold, 29 silver, and 29 bronze, outperforming all the other countries by a big margin. China, Russian Federation, and Great Britain have also impressed the world community by receiving 88, 82, and 65 medals respectively. All in all, 204 countries participated in 2012 Summer Olympics and 79 of them have earned Olympic medals.

The Olympic Games is probably the only worldwide event which brings forward the best in people of all nationalities-celebration of human body and spirit, patriotism, pride in their compatriots, and true respect for athletes from different parts of the world. Religious, ideological, national, and political differences are put aside; and everywhere, people wholeheartedly embrace heart and soul of the Olympic Games. When and why did the tradition of holding Olympic Games start?

The very first Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece because Greek culture valued physical and mental health, strength, and beauty to a great degree. The first recorded Olympic competition took place in 776 BC and held only one event — the 192-meter race. It was won by a cook named Coroebus (interesting trivia-he was so far ahead of his competitors that in the middle of the race he stopped to have some wine to fortify himself)! Who thus became the very first Olympian champion! As a result, the tradition to have
Competitions every four years, or Olympiad, as that was the way the Greeks recorded their history, was born.

For the first 13 Olympiads, only races were held; but over the years, other sports such as pentathlon (which included sprint, wrestling, javelin, jumping, and discus) and pancration (combination of wrestling and boxing) were added. At first, only Greeks were allowed to compete but eventually, athletes from Roman Empire were allowed to participate as well. After the Roman victory over Greece in 100 BC, the initial emphasis on personal honor, physical strength, and achievement gave way to glory-seeking and Olympic spirit deteriorated. In 394 AD, the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius the First abolished the Olympic Games because he believed that they were the manifestations of pagan beliefs.

Starting in the 17th century, various sporting events were held in England and France which tried to revive the Olympic traditions. In the 19th century, many Greek intellectuals and businessmen called for the reconstitution of the Olympic Games and in 1856, Evangelos and Konstantinos Zappas, wealthy Greek-Romanian brothers, offered to sponsor first Olympic Games which were held in 1859 in Athens between Greek and Turkish sportsmen. Moreover, the brothers financed the restoration of the Panathinaiko Stadium where first official Olympic Games were held in 1896 and where athletes from 14 countries competed in 43 events.

Many people rejoiced at the rebirth of the Olympiad and suggested that all subsequent Games were to be held at the Panathinaiko Stadium. However, the International Olympic Committee, founded in 1890 by
French educationalist and historian Pierre de Coubertin, disagreed. It was decided that the Olympic Games will be rotated internationally every four years. As such, the 31st summer Olympiad of 2016 is coming to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!


Patience Pitfalls and Pointers

Margarita Tartakovsky

Some of us have shorter fuses than others. But all of us have those little aggravations that build up — and before we know it — burst. Whether you stew and simmer on the inside or find yourself breathlessly yelling at a complete stranger (or loved one), your impatience can lead to a whole lot of stress. Learning to be more patient has a slew of benefits, including helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Patience also helps you be more present in the moment. And patience prevents you from pummeling your boss or loved ones with unpleasant remarks. Fortunately, patience isn’t some innate virtue. It’s a skill you can practice and master. Here are four common patience pitfalls and pointers to help.

Being Stuck in Traffic
Getting stuck in traffic can easily make you feel harried and helpless. You have places to go, and things to do! But the reality is that you’re wedged between cars and not going anywhere any time soon. While this very thought feels frustrating, it’s also a great opportunity. Our days are typically crammed with tasks and technology. How often do you get a few minutes to yourself (not counting watching TV, being on the computer or listening to your iPod)? Just a few minutes to actually sit in silence and gather your thoughts can help. If that doesn’t sound appealing, use the time to call and catch up with a loved one or to listen to calming music or a new audio book. The key is to accept that at this very moment, there’s nothing you can do about all the congestion. Many of us sprint through our days. Traffic – though upsetting — gives us the opportunity to slow down and do something more pleasant than stew in our seats.

Waiting in Line
A funny thing happens when you’re waiting in line: You start thinking about all the tasks you could be doing instead of waiting in line. Suddenly your to-do list swells, and your patience shrinks. And who could blame you? Today, we’re desperately out of touch with waiting. Thanks to drive-thru meals, high-speed Internet and email, we’re used to getting what we want fast. So in these moments, it can feel like you have very little control over your emotions and anxious thoughts.

In his book Urban Mindfulness: Cultivating Peace, Presence & Purpose in the Middle of It All, clinical psychologist Jonathan S. Kaplan, Ph.D., encourages readers to slow down precisely when you’re feeling pressured to speed up. He suggests being still and taking several deep breaths. As you try to be still, you might notice that you’re still pacing or taking shallow breaths. Instead, observe the tapes that are playing in your head, thoughts that might sound familiar and reject your efforts to slow down. Ask yourself if there’s anything you can do to expedite the process. If not, “Practice acceptance.”
He also suggests readers “Explore ways to appreciate things that move slowly or take time,” such as making a meal from scratch or even getting a cactus and watching it grow. This helps you get more accustomed to decelerating.

Another tip: As you feel the rage for a slow employee rise, try to muster up some empathy. No doubt at some point in your life you were slow at a new job (or in another situation). Rather than getting angry put you in their shoes. Anger ignites impatience. But empathy can ease irritation, and help patience prosper.

Dealing with Rude People
Some days, doesn’t it feel like the people you come into contact with think you’re invisible? They cut you in line, cut you off on the road or slam into you without even saying they’re sorry. And, of course, it’s not just strangers who can be rude. It might be your boss, your neighbor, a good friend or even your spouse. Dealing with rude people can easily heighten your own impatience and possibly even escalate into an altercation. The best way to deal with rudeness is to adjust your reaction. You’ve probably heard this advice from your elders, but it’s true. The only things you can control are your own feelings and actions.

What also helps is brushing up on your communication skills. When communicating assertively, use “I” statements; be direct; and express your needs without getting emotional, aggressive or defensive. If you do find your anger amplifying, take several deep breaths, and if possible, take a break to cool off.

Coping with Your Own triggers
We all have unique stressors that push our patience. Maybe it’s your mother-in-law who can’t help but tell you how to make dinner, clean your house, raise the kids and live your life. Maybe it’s your co-workers who think gossiping is really their job or your kids who haven’t yet learned the splendor of silence. Take a few minutes to consider the top three things that seem to pillage your patience, and how you might approach them. Before coping with any potential pitfall, take a few long, deep breaths and remember that your mother-in-law probably has good intentions, your co-workers might be insecure themselves and your kids are just being kids.

Even if these explanations aren’t exactly accurate, don’t forget that you decide how others make you feel. When dealing with your own triggers, it also helps to cultivate gratitude. For instance, you might be thankful that your mother-in-law is a great grandma. You might be thankful that you have a job and a co-worker or two who help you out once in a while. And you might be thankful that your kids are healthy and full of energy. And when all else fails, take a break and get your nails done!

Seek patience
and passion
In equal amounts.

Patience alone
Will not build the temple.

Passion alone
Will destroy its walls.

~ Maya Angelou ~


Smart Phones: Pros and Cons

The development of technology for the last few decades is truly impressive. In particular, cell phones, which were first introduced in the 1980s and has made a spectacular jump from simple devices intended for just talking to multi-purpose gadgets. Nowadays, smart phones can be used by their owners as computers to surf the web, video and photo cameras, music players, calendars, gaming systems, GPS navigators, and much more. Of course, all these additions while very convenient may come with a price.

 Pros of smart phones:

1.The convenience of staying connected. Basically, smart phones operate as mini-computers which allow you to stay connected to Internet to learn the latest news, write and receive e-mails, stay updated on your social media networks, check with your colleagues, friends, and family members, text, etc. You do not depend on staying close to your computer to perform the tasks previously limited to computers. Check your bank account, pay the bills, buy the dress are football you’ve been wanting for a long time, look up any information you need at this exact moment – smart phones enable you to do all that practically instantaneously!

2.Never miss a Kodak moment! Current smart phones are outfitted with high-quality video and photo cameras that enable you to keep precious life moments forever! Pictures taken by latest generation smart phones are practically as good as photos taken by traditional cameras, and video quality is very good as well.

3.Super convenient size. Given their pocketsize proportions, smart phones are easy to keep close by. You do not need to lag around your cameras, computers, road maps, directories, etc. to get access to all the services they provide.

4.Never miss an important date. With calendar functions, you do not have an excuse to miss any important appointment, family or work related. Your phone will keep you abreast of all important dates at all times. Moreover, with smart phones’ GPS capacities you are not going to get lost ever again.

5.Entertainment value. If you are stuck somewhere with nothing to do, you can easily turn to your phone to listen to some music or radio, watch some videos, play a game or read whatever interests you. It also comes in handy if you have antsy children with you and want to keep them quiet!

 Cons of smart phones:

1.Constant distraction. The ease of staying connected via your smart phone can also become a source of major distraction at most inappropriate times. Constant e-mail and text notifications, social media updates and such divert your attention at work, during family times, and most dangerously, during you’re driving. In fact, many states have enforced the laws, which prohibit the use of phones on the road. Still, we all see people talking, texting, and doing all kind of things on their phones while at the wheel every day. Also, the art of simple face-to-face communication is getting gradually eroded in our technology-driven society. One constantly sees people in restaurants or similar social places using their phones instead of having conversations with their friends.

2.Inability to leave your work at work. While smart phones enable you to be in constant touch with your colleagues and stay updated on the latest developments at your workplace, it can also stress you out. It has been scientifically proved that one needs some downtime in order to be a better worker. However, a lot of workaholics cannot accomplish that and suffer from unnecessary work-related stress.


3.Relative fragility of smart phones. Compared to earlier and sturdier cell phones, latest smart phones appear to be much more fragile. If you accidently drop it, it may break more easily. Factoring the high price of them, it can become a big and expensive problem.

4.Battery life. Smart phones are outfitted with many apps which “eat up” battery life much quicker. As such, in order to enjoy all the perks of the smart phone, you need to spend additional money on buying extra chargers for your car or extra batteries.
Whether you are a die-hard devotee of smart phones or a person who does not particularly care about getting one, there is no escaping the fact that modern technology continues to amaze all of us with it.


Opinion – What’s Wrong?

What the Hell is wrong with the people that run this country!

 Someone please tell me what the Hell’s is wrong with the people that run this country, Republicans and Democrats alike. When the Democrats had control of the House and Senate; they were not able to accomplish much as they were to busy in fighting amongst themselves and letting the people who really needed their help down.

The Republicans have only been interested in how much money they can keep in their donor’s pocket even if it comes from the poor and middle class, while blaming the Democrats for spending too much; at the same time using their office too protect the special interest groups that fund their campaigns.

Do you really know what the major reason the US is “broke”; and why we cannot help seniors, veterans, and orphans, homeless? It is because in the last few years alone, America has provided aid to Haiti, Chile, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt and Turkey and Japan, literally, billions of dollars in aide.

America should and always try and help those in the world that need humanitarian assistance when disasters occur. But forgetting our retired seniors living on a ‘fixed income’ by cutting the little income they now receive and leavening with little or no aid. These citizens don’t get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour Billions of dollars and tons of food to foreign countries! The people of America should come first!

We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans; does that make any sense? America the richest country in the world that has millions homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without ‘needed’ medicine, and mentally ill without treatment.

Yet politicians strived to make sure to pass bills for people around the world every session. Ships and planes are lining up around the country right now with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies, being shipped out while people at home are starving.

Imagine if the government gave the people of America that same support to those in need here at home, that they give to other countries. We would not have a hunger and homeless problem. Their actions gives the impression that the US government cares more about other people in the world than it does for it’s own citizens.

Changing those elected is not the problem; the problem is changing how they think when it comes to the needs of all America’s citizens!




Constantine’s Christian Legacy

He ordered his eldest son, his nephew, and his second wife put to death. He tortured, murdered and imprisoned anyone, including cousins and former friends, known or suspected of being political rivals. He issued an edict on religious freedom for all in his dominions yet dismantled temples and looted their treasuries. He proclaimed himself a follower of the Prince of Peace, yet his path to undisputed power was littered with battles, great and small.

He was called Constantine the Great, and for centuries historians and church leaders have been divided as to the motives for his embrace and eventual conversion to Christianity. Theories on why Constantine abandoned the Roman pantheon of gods have ranged from conspiracy with bishops inside the nascent Christian community to guilt over the murder of his son. But there is agreement that this ruthless empire builder of late antiquity was the single most influential force in the spread of the faith. Through a twist of fate, this ruler who warred and willed the Roman Empire back together, laid the groundwork for the rise of Christendom.

A Vision and A Bridge

Though the story handed down has been deemed truth by some and legend by others, there is general agreement that Constantine attributed the defeat of Maxentius, ruler of Rome, to an experience directed by the Christian God. The legend goes that on the eve of a battle near the Miluvian Bridge on the Tiber River near Rome, Constantine saw a cross of light in the sky above the sun. Around the cross appeared the words, ‘In hoc signo vinces,’ which means, “By this, conquer.” That night, Christ appeared to him in a dream and urged him to make a copy of what he’d seen. The next morning Constantine summoned a goldsmith and had a large cross-fashioned to carry into the fight against Maxentius.

Despite his troops being outnumbered, Constantine prevailed that day. While retreating across the bridge, Maxentius and hundreds of his troops were plunged into the swirling currents of the Tiber when the structure collapsed. They swiftly sank to the bottom dragged down by the weight of their armor. Thus began Constantine’s alliance with Christianity though he would not formally convert until he was on his deathbed 25 years later.

A Savvy Strategy

Considered a minor religion, Christians comprised less than ten percent of the population subject to Constantine’s rule. Realizing that forced conversion would be impractical, the strategy employed by the sovereign to promote the marginal practice included such ploys as exempting clergy from taxes, stripping pagan temples of their costly furnishings, and ornaments, banning blood sacrifices and statues of the emperor, and incorporating Christian symbols into the public spaces and architecture of his new capital city, Constantinople. He wrote an open letter to the people of Palestine, and embedded the sign of the cross in the equipment and arms used by his troops. Constantine made it clear that Christianity was his religion of choice.

Lasting Impact

By the time of his death in 337 A.D., Constantine the Great had bishops as a trusted part of the imperial entourage and Christian language, symbols and rituals became part of the vocabulary of imperial power. A mere forty years earlier, Roman authorities had launched a systematic assault to suppress Christianity. It was a time referred to by members of that community as the “Great Persecution.”

There is little dispute among modern historians and religious scholars that without the financial subsidies and generous support of Constantine, Christianity would have remained a minor faith practice on the fringes of the Mediterranean world. It was the Emperor’s assistance that marked a fundamental turning point in the destiny of the Christian church and the European state. The world would never be the same.



Protect Yourself

Summer and Beach- What to Wear and How to Protect Yourself from the Sun!

Summer is here and just about everybody heads to the beach at some point. After all, it is one of the most beloved summer pastimes which lets us to enjoy the sun, watch the waves, go for a swim, and stroll along the beach. It is especially true for this year’s summer which brought record high temperatures all over the United States. In fact, many believe that it is the hottest summer in the last several decades already! However, in order to make the most of your beach time, you need to keep several factors in your mind.

1. Choose right swimwear. This season, swimsuits with geometrical prints, flowers, stripes, ethnic design, and polka dots are especially favored by fashionistas. Bright colors are also in- especially orange, yellow, red, and blue. At the same time, classic combination of black and white always puts a person in style. For man, comfortable swim trunks with bold designs work well this season as well. When choosing the cut of your swimsuit- consider what activities you will more likely pursue during your stay at the beach. If you are planning to engage into active sports such as volleyball, surfing, etc. you would be more comfortable wearing a one-piece bathing suit which will allow you to move freely without worrying whether something is showing. However, if you prefer to sunbathe- bikinis should be your first choice. This season, bikinis with triangular tops (as opposed to more rounded ones) are especially fashionable.

2. Accessorize wisely. Besides bathing suits, you can make a bold fashion statement by choosing right accessories. First of all, do not forget your sunglasses! This season, aviator, cat-eye, and oversized sunglasses are in. Also, the color of your sunglasses can vary widely from pink, yellow, and blue to classic grey, black, and brown. Gradient lenses are also popular in 2012. Also, to better protect yourself from relentless sun, bring a brimmed hat or at least a cap. Floppy wide-brimmed hats seem to be all the rage this season. For leisurely strolls along the beach, bring along a cover-up such as chiffon skirt, sarong, or wrap; and for a man, light t-shirt always works well. You can also improve your beach look by playing with your footwear. Instead of plain and boring flip-flops, choose sandals decorated with beads, rhinestones, or appliqués for a true fashion statement.

3. Most importantly, protect yourself from the sun. Nowadays, everybody knows that exposure to the sun increases the chances of getting skin cancer dramatically. In fact, skin cancer is the most common cancer there is; and it affects more than two million Americans each year. As such, the importance of sunscreens cannot be stressed enough. Choose a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 for the face and SPF 45 for the body. Reapply it every two hours or after you went swimming or sweated profusely. Generally, people apply too little- as a rule, you practically have to coat yourself with thick and even layer of sunscreen to properly protect yourself. Also, nowadays, you can find beach attire with built-in sun protection which will also decrease your chances of getting skin cancer. Bring an umbrella with you to stay in the shade (but remember that you can still get sunburned in the shade) or choose a more shadowy part of the beach.

Summer is here! Enjoy the beach, look beautiful while doing so and, most importantly, be careful.



Silver Celebration

Perhaps Leonardo Da Vinci said it best, “Once you have flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return.” Certainly that lyrical sentiment was true for the two men who celebrate a record setting, 25th anniversary this July.

In 1987, Richard Branson and Per Lindstrand became the first men to cross the Atlantic in a hot air balloon. Their historic flight covered a distance of 3,075 miles, from Maine to Ireland, in just 31 hours and 41 minutes. The crossing was only slightly marred with a less than elegant ending. Both men had to be pulled from the North Channel, that body of water separating Northern Ireland from Scotland, by the Royal Navy.


Named the Virgin Atlantic Flyer, the balloon, or “envelope” as it’s known in the business, was a silver and black behemoth that billowed to the height of a 22-story building when fully inflated. Lindstrand, a Swedish-born aviator, aeronautical engineer, and owner of Lindstrand Technologies, designed and built the Flyer at his factory in Oswestry, England.

Lindstrand’s concept of the flight was simple–go high and fast by maneuvering the balloon into the jet stream. He and Branson along with their requisite gear would be housed in a pressurized aluminum capsule surrounded by propane fuel tanks to feed the burners. During the day the balloon would be kept aloft by the sun’s heat at night, the burners would take over.

Early on the morning of July 2nd, the balloon lifted off from its “Sugar Loaf” launch site in Maine. Rising at a speed of 137 knots per hour, the conveyance soon rose to its cruising altitude of 27,000 feet. Flying at an average speed of 97m.p.h., the passage was swift and smooth. On July 3rd, they descended toward their final destination.

Bumpy Landing

Due to weather conditions, the landing site had been altered from the British Isles to the Ireland coast. Technically, they touched down briefly on the targeted beach but a mechanism that releases the balloon from the capsule failed to work. Soon, they were on a bumpy, bouncing ride across the channel. Rough, contentious seas seeped into the capsule. Though there was some discussion on coaxing the limping conveyance to shore, both men concluded it was wiser to hazard a helicopter rescue from the water after a 60-foot leap off the capsule roof. Despite their soggy touchdown, the trip was an undeniable success.

The Men In The Flying Machine

Neither Branson nor Lindstrand were strangers to daredevil feats. Both men had a longstanding love affair with taking on challenges. Branson, a high school dropout, had a flair for entrepreneurial ventures. His megabrand, Virgin, is home to more than 200 companies from gyms to intergalactic space travel.


4th of July Unsung Heroes

The 4th of July is probably one of the most well-known and beloved holidays in the United States of America. Everybody looks forward to firing up some barbecue, inviting friends and family to share their meal, watch the fireworks, and enjoy all things American. However, there is considerably more behind this holiday than the usual things, which came to be associated with it. While most people connect the 4th of July with such words as Concord, Lexington, Bunker Hill, and the “British Are Coming,”- there is more to the history of the Independence War. Most people associate the white Protestants as a major force behind the Independence War. However, it was not exactly the case. There were other segments of American population, which provided invaluable input toward the ultimate goal of achieving independence from the British Empire.

At the start of the war, about fifth of the population of the original thirteen colonies were people of African descent (an estimated forty thousand people). While some of them were free, the majority were slaves in the South. As such, many people of African-Americans tried to improve their chances of getting freedom or at least some monetary compensation by enrolling into the army. Some of them sought their freedom by aligning with the British forces, while others chose to put their fates into American dream. Many African-Americans were enlisted as Minutemen, such as Crispus Attucks and Peter Salem who fought along the Patriots against the British forces in Massachusetts.

However, some people became apprehensive about arming black people in the fear that they would turn their arms against their enslavers. Thus, the rulings were issued which prohibited the enlisting of black people into the army. In 1775, George Washington decreed, “Neither Negroes, boys unable to bear neither arms nor old men unfit to endure the fatigues of the campaign, are to be enlisted.” However, the blacks that were already serving in the Army were allowed to continue to do so. Still, when the Patriots were in a tight corner, they turned to enlisting black soldiers to support their cause. Thus, a Rhode Island Regiment was formed in 1778 to fight the British forces and became the only regiment of the Continental Army to have segregated companies of black soldiers.

At the same time Lord Dunmore, the staunch supporter of British Crown and the governor of Virginia, formed the Ethiopian Regiment, which employed the black soldiers against the Patriots with the promise of freedom and money for their service. Still, the fate was not on their side. Most black people who fought along with the Patriots or Loyalists were sent to such places as Jamaica, St. Augustine, and West Africa after the war. While some managed to get their freedom, majority of African-Americans did not get what they were hoping for during the Independence War.

Another segment of population that did not get much attention regarding their involvement into the Independence War were American Indians. Undoubtedly, their position was a difficult one. On the one hand, the British promised the Indian tribes their land and freedom in return for their loyalty to British Crown, while the Americans promised the same things for their allegiance to American cause. Thus, some Indian tribes sided with the British (Mohawks, Cayugas, Onondagas, and Senecas) while others such as Oneidas and Tuscaroras fought with the Americans. This dichotomy dissolved the Confederacy, which tried to keep the tribes as a strong presence in the North. Other native tribes in the South also took sides.

As always, wars bring up the worst in people. While the Independence War was a big step in obtaining freedom from the British Empire for the newly formed country of the United States of America, there were people who were deceived in their expectations and those who got exactly what they wanted. It is always the case with wars.




US Race Classification

Federal government fails when it comes to enforcing United States race classification laws (Changing the majority)

Pass research proves little has been done in enforcing the US race classification laws. The law is not are has been a high priority on the government’s list of laws to enforce. With DNA test now available it should make it easer to have specific knowledge of your races and not have to rely on tall tales from grand parents are coded messages left in religious cannons. In most cases those reference only proves what country they were born in or from. To understand why the law is so difficult to enforce, we must understand what the law is, how the law was enacted and when enacted by congress. The mere fact that the government now has the DNA scientific means of verifying race must bring fear to many Americans who believe that they are one race and because of science, now realize that US law could declares them another race.

The Jim Crow law The “One Drop Law” 1927 to 1930 was enacted across the US but mainly in the south. Until the law was enacted it was common that many white-identified ancestors with African blood, including a large percentage of white slave owners. What do you believe the percentages of whites Americans that are aware of African ancestors in their family tree? In 1997mixed Americans were being prostituted under this law in America. Google, Renegade South, Histories of unconventional southerners, The Long Shadow of the Civil War, by Vikki Bynum has some very good information about the “One Drop Law”

“It is also known as the “one black ancestor rule,” some courts have called it the “traceable amount rule,” and anthropologists call it the “hypo-descent rule,” meaning that racially mixed persons are assigned the status of the subordinate group. This definition emerged from the American South to become the nation’s definition, generally accepted by whites and blacks. Blacks had no other choice”. F. James Davis is a retired professor of sociology at Illinois State University. He is the author of numerous books, including “Who is Black? The One Nation’s Definition” (1991)

Will the powers (big money) allow a law declaring everyone to take a DNA test as part of their one all inclusive ID card system? There are lots reasons for passing the law and many objections to it as well.

Now that we have the focus on correcting the racial lines, reclassify all people with African blood as black and only then will justice occur. There is a positive outcome if a DNA law does go into effect, for whites that are reclassified; they will still be in the majority and therefore need to catch up on their African history by reviewing books like, Dr. Chancellor James Williams an African American sociologist, historian and writer and the author of “The Destruction of Black Civilization” (1971).

This is just the start; you will have to read a lot more to find out about your other ancestors. Take a look at the pictures included in the article of Lena Horn and Wentwort Miller; both have back and white ancestors. Ask yourself, if you pass them on the street not knowing who they are, would you know if they were black are white?


Changing the Music Industry

Changing World of Music Industry
Music has always been and always will be an essential part of human existence. People of Stone Age sang and danced around their fires, traveling minstrels entertained the people of Middle Ages, and operas and concerts were extremely popular during Baroque and Classical Eras. Today, as never before in human history, we are constantly surrounded by music in our everyday life. Starting with the invention of gramophone in 1887 by Emil Berliner, it became possible to enjoy music without actually going to the musical performance. The last 20 years brought an even bigger change to our ability to access any music at any given moment. Since 1992, with all technological innovations and developments, the world we live in became dramatically new place. How did music change?

The greatest thing, which influenced the music industry during the last 20 years, was the move from analog to digital technology. People can download thousands of songs on their multiple devices – be it computer, phone, iPad, iPod, MP3 player, etc. – in a matter of seconds. Access to any type of music – be it rock, bluegrass, hip-hop, DJ remixes, pop, religious, country, or ethnic of any kind – is easily available. Moreover, one of the most extraordinary developments during the period from 1992 to 2012 was the extent to which digital technology has become entrenched in every part of our culture and every strata of our society, especially among young adults and teens. How exactly is music industry affected by all these changes?

First of all, music industry is thriving. The number of albums and songs released each year is growing and new artists appear seemingly on a daily basis. Consequently, musical environment of 2012 is substantially different from that of 1992, at least quantitatively if not qualitatively (in opinions of many people, our two biggest pop stars of today, Lady Gaga and Adele, are somewhat reminiscent of Madonna and Mariah Carey). So, it seems to be good news that all technological innovations led to the positive development of music industry. However, it is not exactly so. While music industry is in good shape, record industry is negatively affected by the ease with which people can access music nowadays.

First of all, with the introduction of digital technology, the sales of music albums and CDs have drastically fallen. Also, many record stores were closed due to insufficient sales. Nowadays, record companies prefer to distribute their products through such national chains as Wal-Mart and Target to achieve bigger profits. However, one of the biggest challenges faced by the record industry today is online piracy. Record companies against such sites initiated various lawsuits as LimeWire and Pirate Bay in an attempt to prevent illegal downloads. Still, such sites as Amazon and iTunes which offer legal downloads are seeing profits. In fact, digital sales grew an astonishing 1000% from 2004 to 2010. As such, the main question today is to what future holds for music industry? While music will always be an integral part of our lives, we live in a capitalist society, in which the main mantra is, “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Time and People

Time and People: How and When We Started Keeping Time

Time has always been a mystifying concept, which occupied the minds of best thinkers and philosophers since antiquity. Mark Aurelius envisioned time as “a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away.” Although men are not the only beings defined by the passage of time, the humans are the only ones who – given their intellect, memory, and imagination – are able to envision the past, present, and sometimes the future. Aristotle asserted that “time, past, present, and future, forms a continuous whole.” Isaac Newton introduced the concepts of absolute, or mathematical, time which “from its own nature, flaws equably without relation to anything external” and relative time which is, “common time – some sensible and external (whether accurate or unequable) measure of duration by the means of motion, which is commonly used instead of true time, such as an hour, a day, a month, a year.”

When and why did people start keeping track of time? Ancient people, observing day/night, lunar, solar, and seasonal changes realized that they need to come up with some type of system to better predict those changes in order to be prepared for them. As such, while they did not recognize that the Earth’s revolution around the Sun caused the seasonal changes, they found it easier to observe the changing position and shape of the Moon and stars to keep track of time. First ancient calendars such as Babylonian, Mayan, Aztec, Early Roman and such were based on some combination of solar and lunar years and were subject to much confusion. Lunar months continued for about 29 days and, consequently, lunar years of twelve months were about 354 days and lunar years of thirteen months were about 383 days, which differed greatly from solar years of 365 days. Accordingly, ancient people tried to improvise their calendars to keep them in better alignment with seasonal changes. Thus, Babylonians alternated between twelve and thirteen months long years, ancient Mayans had eighteen months long years with each months having 20 days cycle plus five days at the end of the year, and early Romans had a ten months calendar and ignored 61 days each year.

By the time of Julius Caesar, the accumulated mistakes of the calendar were so great that winter came in September and fall started in July. As such, Caesar, with the help from the astronomer Sosigenes, introduced new calendar, which was calculated on the basis of solar year. The calendar, known as Julian, was widely used all over the world for more then 15 centuries and was eventually replaced by Gregorian calendar initiated by Pope Gregory the Thirteenth in 1582. The Gregorian calendar is still in use all over the world.

However, calendars were only one way of keeping time and people needed some way to keep the track of day as well. As such, first timekeeping devices were invented. Thus, ancient Egyptians introduced shadow clocks, or large obelisks, which helped to keep track of time by observing the shadow resultant from the movement of Sun. Also, at approximately the same time, or 2000 BC, ancient Mesopotamians invented water clocks, which were also used by ancient Chinese and Greeks. Other earlier devices included sundials, candle clocks, time sticks, and hourglasses. In 3rd century BC, Greeks came up with the first prototype of the watch, which used water-powered escapement mechanism, and in 10th century Chinese people used mercury-based escapement mechanisms. In 11th century, Arab engineers invented water-based watches, which used gears and weights to provide rotational movement. With time, people perfected watch mechanisms, which led to the introduction of mechanical, pendulum, and spring-powered clocks. In the 20th century, atomic clocks, the most precise watch mechanisms to date, were invented as well.


Fearful & Fabulous Motorcycle

The Fearful and Fabulous Motorcycle
Ask any adult what they think about riding a motorcycle and you’re likely to get one of two answers—very cool or totally nuts. For those folks that are dedicated “bikers,” no amount of scary stats on accidents, brain injuries, or deaths will convince them to give up their Harleys or Hondas; others are convinced that even a parked motorcycle is lethal. This is a machine that inspires intense feelings, good, bad, and ugly.Today, more people than ever before are riding motorcycles, some estimates put the number at about seven million which includes both drivers and passengers. Despite the enduring popular stereotype of a young, brawny dude covered in tattoos and wearing a bandana for a helmet, the fact is that both men and women of all ages are bikers. It’s evident this mode of transportation works for a lot of Americans.

Motorcycle Fears
But there are some good reasons for a cautious approach to motorcycles.
Motorcycle-related deaths increased every single year between 1997 and 2008, a 150% increase. Motorcycle crashes killed 5,290 people in 2008.

Young people are not the only ones dying in motorcycle crashes. In 2008, more than half the people killed in motorcycle crashes were 40 or older, up from 33% in 1998.
While only 9% of riders killed in motorcycle crashes in 2008 were women, almost all passengers (89%) killed in motorcycle crashes were women.
It is estimated that the economic burden of injuries and deaths from motorcycle related crashes in one year totaled $12 billion.
A study of 105 motorcyclists hospitalized at a major trauma center determined that 63% of their care was paid for by public funds, with Medicaid accounting for over half of all charges.
Perhaps it’s the last factoids about costs that drives the volatile sentiments against motorcycles but certainly the type of injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents are also frightening. The following information comes from a report issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
Most incapacitating and fatal injuries were sustained when the initial point of impact (IPI) was the front of the motorcycle.
Lower-extremity injuries were the most common injuries sustained
by motorcyclists treated in level I and II trauma centers, followed by upper-extremity and head injuries. While lower-extremity injuries were more frequent, head, chest, and abdominal injuries tended to be more severe.
Injured motorcyclists sustain more leg injuries than any other type of
lower-extremity injury, with bone fractures being more common than soft-tissue injuries.
Some injuries associated primarily with motorcycle accidents include:
Biker’s Arm-a condition in which the nerves in the upper arm are damaged as a result of the biker hitting the ground. Depending on the severity, motorcyclist may lose some or all movement in the affected limb.
Head Injury or Brain Trauma-the most often cited reason for passing universal helmet laws, this type of injury can result in any number of ugly effects including seizures, paralysis, loss of memory and change in brain function. Though some of these symptoms can be temporary others may last a lifetime and cause permanent disability.
Spinal cord injuries-among the most serious of injuries this type of trauma can result in partial or complete paralysis, depending on location of the lesion, that lasts a lifetime.
As to the common causes of motorcycle accidents, in single-vehicle crashes the primary, contributing factor is driver error that results in a slide-out and fall typically from losing control and overbraking or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or undercornering. Alcohol is also a culprit in more than half of all fatal accidents. In motorcycle accidents that involve another vehicle, more than two-thirds of the collisions were caused by a motorist violating the motorcycle’s right of way. It’s as if the bike and rider were “invisible.” Most riders will tell you their single greatest apprehension on the road is not being “seen” by drivers behind the wheel of a car.
Motorcycle Joys
The list of reasons to be fearful about motorcycles is sobering. Nonetheless, the popularity of motorcycles is growing which prompts the obvious question, what are the joys of riding? In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the author Robert Persig noted, “You’re completely in contact with it all. You’re in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the sense of presence is overwhelming.” Here’s what many “in the scene” would say on behalf of motorcycles:
Freedom!-this is the first word you’re likely to hear from a motorcyclist when it comes to why ride; for many riders, the destination is secondary to the journey.
Feeling of the ride-nothing compares to the skill, alertness and dexterity required to navigate a motorcycle; it’s a thrill to be fully engaged and in harmony with the machine.
Fuel savings-bikes can get more than double the mileage of a car on a gallon of gas. With gas prices on the rise, motorcycles have come into the mainstream of American motoring consciousness.
Parking-may not seem like much but what could be more joyful than being able to pull into a parking space where SUV’s dare not go?
Connection-motorcyclists share a bond, they are part of a larger community whose members acknowledge each other on the road.
Individuality-bikers tend to show their personality through how they dress to ride and customize their cycles.
Lower carbon impact-a biker might not say he or she is an environmentalist but the fact remains that motorcycles are an efficient means of transportation
Finally, a lot of motorcyclists might not say it out loud but let’s face it there is something very cool about being a rider. No matter what you do, how you look, or what establishment you walk into, eyes turn in your direction when you carry a helmet under your arm. It is seriously hip.

Testosterone: The Mighty “T”

Testosterone, it’s a natural substance with a colorful history and now its synthetic equivalent is a powerful moneymaker for the pharmaceutical industry. The television commercials for testosterone gel are ubiquitous. They go something like this: a middle-aged male, somewhere between ages 46 and 55, can barely drag himself out of bed. He shuffles through his day at the office while the younger men around him appear to skip down the halls. He has no energy for a pick-up game of basketball or handball or tennis. He has no appetite for drinks after work and forget dinner, dancing or sex with the wife. And of course, he’s depressed. Who wouldn’t be? But all it takes is a little testosterone gel and voila, he’ll soon dance the night away, work around the clock, and be a tiger in the bedroom. The Mighty “T” has come out of the illicit steroid trade of sports and into the mainstream of men’s health care.

Let’s start with the basics. For men, testosterone is the building block of all things identified as physically male. This is the ingredient a boy requires for puberty to get under way. With the help of testosterone, the penis and testicles grow. Muscles get bigger and bones grow stronger; hair sprouts on the face and groin, sperm is produced, the sexual urge, (libido), becomes pressing, moods modify, and believe it or not, the brain functions better. This crucial stuff, one of a group of hormones called androgens, actually has a starring role that begins in the womb. A genetically male (remember the XY chromosome combo from biology?) fetus develops male genitalia thanks to testosterone.

Hormone With A Past

Long ago, before testosterone was named and known, the curious and miracle-minded in different cultures, from Egyptians to Europeans, suspected the testicles might hold something special–beyond the obvious. Aphrodisiacs made from the gonads of animals considered sexually robust were taken as a cure for impotence and a restorative of vigor. Of course, culinary appeal is a matter of individual taste and nowhere is that more evident than in the elixir brewed by one Edouard Brown-Sequard, a 19th century French scientist. His model of male potency was found in dogs and guinea pigs. He used the animals testicles to concoct his potion. Sequard claimed his drink improved everything from brain power to sexual prowess to colons. Who knew guinea pigs were such Don Juans?

Despite no scientific evidence to support the aphrodisiac claims, there are still modern day versions of this ancient idea. One such offering comes from Charlie Bigham, a pastry chef from Britain. For Valentine’s Day, Chef Bigham makes a special treat that he sells to customers interested in improving the odds for a romantic tryst. He insists his special pie made with a filling of bull testicles, ginseng, and Mama Juana’s liquor is so potent it should a health warning. Not everyone agrees. Alex James, a food critic for the The Sun, a Brit tabloid, thinks there’s a better treat to inspire a passionate, virile evening—chocolate éclairs. He says “the suggestive shape and…oozy, gooey nature makes” the dessert the perfect indulgence for a sexy evening.

Pies and elixirs aside, scientific inquiry into the mystery of the male testicles and testosterone did have a breakthrough in 1936. That year Nobel Prize winners, Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka, were responsible for the creation of an artificial testosterone substitute. Abuse of this hormone alternative by athletes began in the 1940s and continues to this day. It’s a shame testosterone replacement has attracted so much negative press because there are legitimate uses for it, though not in the areas the general public might suspect.

Testosterone: How Low Can You Go?

Low testosterone is a tricky diagnosis. As the male body ages decreased production of the hormone naturally occurs. There is a medical standard in place to gauge if a man’s testosterone is outside of the normal range. Certain medications, injuries, or illnesses may cause a man’s testosterone to drop below the standard but the normal dwindling of production that occurs with growing older is not likely to be a problem. In other words, the male body is designed to gently ratchet down as the years go by.

Science has recognized that the benefits of this steroid are many and varied but not necessarily in the ways many people might suspect. Where synthetic testosterone has shown genuine medical promise is in the treatment of age-related heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and chronic fatigue. For women, the “Mighty T” has shown promise, in small quantities, for increasing sexual desire after menopause.

Testosterone has been praised and blamed for much that is right and wrong with a man’s health, happiness, and behavior. But the hype about “low testosterone” that’s now galvanizing attention through ads and commercials is likely more about boosting sales of the synthetic gel than an actual epidemic of male testosterone deficiency rampant across the country.

