Uniquely Yours

What Is Uniquely Yours
E. VirGinia Johnson “Genii”

Spirits 1 “Feelings of inadequacy can plague you sometimes, causing you to feel envious of those blessings that others enjoy. If you spend an inordinate amount of time comparing yourself to the people around you, your ability to appreciate the gifts that are uniquely your own can falter.

You will likely find that you feel more confident and better assured of the value of your individual attributes when you judge them utilizing their own merits as a benchmark. As you learn to focus today on who you are rather than who you are not, you may discover that there are many wonderful advantages that are exclusive to your experience.

When we choose to avoid comparing ourselves to the people we spend time with or individuals we see in the media, we are more apt to hone in on the blessings we have been granted and make good use of them. Appreciating these gifts for their own merit as opposed to how they stack up against those of others allows us to see that we enjoy a level of abundance greater than most.

Even though we may now and again feel deprived, we quickly recognize that our insecurities are wholly unrelated to what others do or do not have. We can consider ourselves special as we see the true scope of the many and varied blessings that have enabled us to prosper. Your choice to stop judging yourself today against the merits of others will help you recognize the positive traits that have helped you grow.”


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