Category Archives: CURRENT ISSUE

Shine During Holiday Office Parties

Holidays are just around the corner and many workplaces will have holiday office parties during the season. It is a perfect, although somewhat stressful, time to impress right people, demonstrate your communication skills and, with any luck, secure some prospects. In our current economy, the last thing anyone wants is to behave in such a manner as to jeopardize their reputation, any chance for promotion or, worst scenario, lose their jobs because of the office parties’ behavior. There are few, but cardinal, rules everybody needs to follow in order to make it through holiday office parties without any casualties.

1.Go easy on alcohol. Everybody knows that alcohol lowers your inhibitions and makes you do or say things you might regret later on. It is never as crucial as during office parties to control your drinking. A friend of mine once related a story which might just convince you. There was a high-level executive who, after imbibing a bit too many cocktails at the office party decided it was a good idea to resurrect his youth- so he jumped on the stage, where the hired band was performing, and slammed some rock-and-roll tunes-not too bad according to some witnesses. Well, it was all peachy and rosy until he decided that the last finishing touch was not to break the guitar, as custom dictates, but to get out his thing and spray unsuspecting and, until the last moment cheering, audience, including his boss. You can picture yourselves how it ended for this particular lover of rock-and-roll. So, the cardinal rule is not to drink. Everybody knows their threshold, so just step three steps (i.e. drinks) back from there and stop.

2.Although it is a party, respect your company’s dress code. As much as you want to show off your new sexy dress, save it for another occasion. Basically, the rule is to dress a bit more festive than you normally do during the workdays, and you will be safe. The last thing you want to do is to outperform your bosses’ wives or provoke some unwanted behavior and comments from your co-workers. Remember, you are not clubbing, you are still, sadly, networking.

3.Watch your mouth. Well, everybody at the parties likes to talk, talk, and talk some more. Here is your golden opportunity to listen to other people. Before you know it, you can learn some new interesting things about your current company, maybe new openings, and whatever else is interesting to you. However, do not lurk around people like a weirdo eavesdropping at other peoples’ conversations. Come up with few several funny/interesting stories before the party to chip in when necessary. To be on a safe side, stick to neutral subjects (kids, pets, weather, sports, etc.). Although, if you want to impress your clients/ boss come up with something novel related to your industry. But, keep it short and entertaining.

4.Do not skip the party without a good excuse. This just does not work in your favor. Unless you have a good excuse (death in the family, accident, etc.), your absence will label you as a non-team player. Unless you are in some creative field where individuality is encouraged, you’d better adhere to general rules such as- arrive, behave, perform to the level of your capacities, and leave in time without any accident. Just do to, team player!

5.Do not bring your kids/relatives/pets to the party. Well, the economy is bad and we are saving any way we can. However, one of the worst things is to try to party at your companies’ expense by bringing your family to the party to enjoy free food and perks! Just skip this notion. Hire the babysitters for youngster, nurses for the elderly, and sitters for your pets. Just common good sense.

Happy Holidays!



5 Best Ways to Avoid Weight Gain During Holiday Season

The holiday season is fast approaching and everybody is looking forward to spending time with their families and friends, exchanging gifts, rejoicing in their fortunes and, best of all, eating delicious holiday fare. Unfortunately, all good things come with the price. One of the biggest drawbacks of the holidays is that most people experience some weight gain during this time. Popular belief holds that an average person gains anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds during the holidays. However, the studies conducted by the National Institute of Health have shown that, on average, people gain around 1 to 2 pounds during this period. While you might think that 1-2 pounds weight gain does not amount to much, the real problem is that these pounds stick- for ever. Over the years, the gradual weight gain might translate into real problems such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and such. However, with some discipline and determination, you can enjoy all the parties without sacrificing your figure. All you have to do is follow these 5 easy rules.

  1. Exercise portion control. The easiest way to do so is to visualize your plate (go for a smaller plate if possible). Divide the plate into 2 halves and fill one half with salad and other vegetables (preferably steamed), avoid fatty sauces and go for oil-and-vinegar based dressings. Divide the remaining half of the plate into two parts and fill one part with proteins such as lean meats, fish, and beans; fill the remaining part with something starchy.
  2. Limit your alcohol intake. Drinking alcohol during parties not only adds up to your calorie intake, but also lowers your inhibitions and makes you forgo all the promises you made to yourself. Also, make better choice of beverages- go for a light beer or wine instead of eggnog and limit yourself to 1-2 drinks. Accompany each drink with a glass of water to avoid drinking too much alcohol.
  3. Have a snack before the party. It is best to have a light healthy snack such as piece of fruit (banana, green apple, etc) or yogurt with granola before heading to the party where you will be tempted with all the delicious food. This tactic allows you to have better control over your cravings and make wiser food choices.
  4. Do not fall into all-or-nothing mentality. If you could not resist eating some sumptuous fried appetizer or went for an extra piece of chocolate cake, do not despair and say to yourself, “Oh well, I blew it already so might as well go for it!” It is OK to indulge a little, the key word being “little.” If you still ended up eating a bit too much, undo the damage the next day. One of the most effective ways to do so is to limit yourself to a glass of kefir every 2 hours during the whole day. This will stabilize your stomach and prevent any weight gain from previous night.
  5. Socialize as much as possible. Instead of zeroing in on the food during the party, take a chance to reconnect with your friends and family- talk, laugh and, best of all, dance. After all, that’s what the holidays are all about!

Obama and Racist America

Now, since Obama’s regime, all of a sudden, folks have gotten mad, and want to take America Back…BACK TO WHAT/WHERE is my question?????

After The 8 Years Of The Bush/Cheney Disaster, Now You Get Mad?

You didn’t get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

How many white American's openly admit they are uncomfortable with a black President?

You didn’t get mad when Cheney allowed Energy Company officials to dictate Energy policy and push us to invade Iraq.

You didn’t get mad when a covert CIA operative got ousted.

You didn’t get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.

You didn’t get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

You didn’t get mad when we spent over 800 billion (and counting) on said illegal war.

You didn’t get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than the previous 42 Presidents combined.

You didn’t get mad when over 10 billion dollars in cash just disappeared in Iraq.

You didn’t get mad when you found out we were torturing people.

You didn’t get mad when Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies that shipped 6 million American jobs out of the country.

You didn’t get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.

You didn’t get mad when we didn’t catch Bin Laden.

You didn’t get mad when Bush rang up 10 trillion dollars in combined budget and current account deficits.

You didn’t get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.

You didn’t get mad when we let a major US city New Orleans, drown.

You didn’t get mad when we gave people who had more money than they could spend, the filthy rich, over a trillion dollars in tax breaks.

You didn’t get mad with the worst 8 years of job creations in several decades.

You didn’t get mad when over 200,000 US Citizens lost their lives because they had no health insurance.

You didn’t get mad when lack of oversight and regulations from the Bush Administration caused US Citizens to lose 12 trillion dollars in investments, retirement, and home values.

You finally got mad when an African American was elected President and decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, job losses by the millions, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, and the worst economic disaster since 1929 are all okay with you, but helping fellow Americans who are sick…Oh, Hell No!!




Google+ Circles Review

Google+ Circles allow you to place other Google+ users and non-users (an invite  is sent whenever you share something with them) into separate networking “circles”. This allows you to avoid embarrassing situations such as your parents hearing about what you have been getting up to in the evening, or your boss hearing what you really think of the company that you work for. Here is how it works.

You start with 3 main circles; Friends, Family and Acquaintances. There are also Following and Blocked, which allows you to Follow people without them becoming your friend and also allows you to Block annoying people.

So, whereas with Facebook everyone will see your latest status update or photo, in Google+ you can upload a photo and then select the Friends circle to share with. Everyone else will be unaware of your new photo.

You can of course break this down further, for example you may want one group just for University friends and another for your friends in the football club. Likewise, you could use acquaintances for everyone in your work and business life, or use it exclusively for people you have met online but do not know very well. For example, I had added many people to Acquaintances who I have chatted to on forums and known through blogs etc.

So if I post something specifically about me or my family, I can share with just friends and family. If I post an article about a great new service I have found, such as, I can share it with Acquaintances only as many of my friends are not interesting in the business of the Internet. You can select people to individually share items with too, which makes it like a private messaging system. This is really what Circles is about.

Some other main features are importing  Picasaweb photos into Google+. Any Picasaweb photos that you upload or comment on from now will appear on your Google+ homepage and be visible in accordance with the rules set in your Picasaweb settings. This is the first of the negative points though. If you chose to follow someone who is very popular then you may find that their photos infest your homepage as each time a new comment is added the photo will jump to the top of the page again. This is where the Mute button comes in very useful – you can chose to stop seeing updates on a post / photo / video etc.

Sparks so far seems to be lacking in any substance. The sites that come up in Sparks are generally not very well chosen. I have nothing else to say about Sparks at the moment other than it is a disappointment.

The other main feature is the Hangout. Here you can chose to arrange a Hangout with up to 10 people and chat in live with video or just audio, and generally use it to hook up. This is another feature which Facebook is severely lacking in and could be something to draw in the younger crowd.

Some Tips for Google+

When you first sign up by default you will receive email notifications for everything that you are involved in. You may want turn off these emails as your inbox will quickly get flooded. I chose to only receive notifications for when someone shared something with me for the first time. This seems to work well.

At the moment it is very clear that the Googlers are still doing a lot of testing, which is why not many people have been invited so far. Down the bottom right there is a “send feedback” button which will allow you to send a screenshot of any problems you are seeing.

The main difference between Google+ and Facebook at the moment, other than the lack of people, is that there are no diversions. No games, no extra add ons. It is refreshing in a way, but Facebook’s strength is that people login in the evening and stay glued to it all night as even when their friends are busy there are games to play or groups and pages to discuss things in. Google+ is a little quiet at the moment, and no groups either – apart from your own.


Entertainment, a necessity

-B. Arora

Entertainment may be defined as an activity in which an individual is passively involved in the act of amusement in leisure time. However, the definition of entertainment seems to have changed and is merely an act of amusement with passive involvement of the individual. Inception of entertainment as a profession can not be pointed back to a date in the history. Entertainment has been a crucial part of life for centuries, but last few decades have seen a major drift towards entertainment being set up as an industry and being taken up by people as a profession.

In those days, the entertainment sources used to provide laughter, fun and enjoyment and were limited to social dance, theatre, sports, music, puppets and acts of pantomimes. It was a profession opted by only a handful of people with not much money or fame attached to it.

While, this new and revived form of entertainment industry has a lot of wealth and fame on offer. This is the main reason for more and more people taking it up as a profession. This large scale involvement of people in this industry with the upbringing of television and the other new sources of taking entertainment to the people differently, has made it more of a necessity. Earlier, people used to connect with it in their leisure time, but now, with all the cleverly designed acts of entertainment there is a rising desire in people to stay connected and come back to it more and more often.

People are getting addicted to entertainment industry as a whole and also to its various sources. The most popular and most addicting form of these sources include television series, cartoons, movies and video games. Entertainment sources are though not as addictive as liquor or drugs but still have a substantial effect on the individual and his capabilities. This overuse or overdose of entertainment is affecting the thinking and reasoning ability of people, making them lazy, aggressive and irritable at the same time.

People need to realise the urgency and need to move away from these sources of entertainment, that are acting as a hurdle in their goals. Especially, this large dependency on electronic sources must be reduced and alternative sources of entertainment, that involve active participation must be preferred. They are also helpful in improving your skills and abilities. Some of the active sources include playing a musical instrument, outdoor sports, dramatics or plays and dance. Entertainment makes a worthwhile industry, but complete dependence on anything must be avoided, and it holds true for all other sources as well.

Entertainment industry also has its pros in the form of media, that acts as a bridge between us and the world. It updates us on various day to day activities around the world. With a number of informative programs it makes us well informed, technically sound and responsible citizens. But, these days its cons seem to have overpowered its pros for most of the people.

It is the responsibility of the individual to select what is good and what not, which must be avoided in all circumstances.


Future Advancements in Modern Technology

A. Jain –

The healthcare and medicine sector is one of the important sectors known to man. Hence it is not surprising that a lot of research work is being done in these areas to further push the boundaries of human health and disease free existence. In the last 50 years alone, the life expectancy has been increased by at least 10 years on a global level. In the developed countries, like the USA, the scientists are on a roll and many unprecedented breakthroughs are expected in the field of medicine in the near future, few of which will be discussed in this article.

Nowadays, the smart phones existing in the market are sophisticated to even take care of our medical needs. Many applications are being developed that measure our heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and other body vitals at regular intervals and store it for future use. And all this is possible through your mobile phone itself. In case of any aberration, immediately an alert would be sounded to your physician who will then take over and advise you accordingly. There might even be some add on devices which could be used to measure our ECG readings right from the comfort of our homes and transmit them to our physician via internet.

Regenerative medicine is moving from strengths to strengths. It is basically the process living and functional tissues which can be used to repair or replace a non-functioning tissue or organs. Scientists are trying to regenerate damaged tissues and organs by the use of this technology by stimulating healing. In addition, there is also some work being done to generate tissues and organs in the laboratory itself and then implant them in the body of the patient. If successful, this technology has the potential to solve many issues such as the shortage of organ donors.

Scientists are predicting that artificial wombs are going to be in vogue after a couple of decades. These are nothing but some means to grow a human embryo outside the female body. The research is still not in advanced stages but already some scientists at Cornell University have been able to grow mice embryos in artificial, man-made wombs. When in operation, it could be a blessing for parents who previously could not bear children. On top of that, it can also save mothers from the stress and anxiety involved in childbirth. But it will also bring a set of ethical and moral questions, which will require some thought. The controversies would include the implications of such a technology as well as any side effects, which might appear in the form of a stunted growth in the child. These issues will need to be resolved before going out in the open with this thing.

Apart from these, there are many other scientific marvels, which are waiting on the horizon. Pharmacogenomics is studying the effects of a drug on an individual’s body due to his genetic inheritance. One day, this can result in drugs being tailor made for every individual. Then there are pills or capsules being developed which will disintegrate in the body at the exact place where they are supposed to, based on the acidity of the internal organs. They will also be armed with sensors and processors, which will capture the body vitals and send the reports over to your computer. So a disease free human existence might actually be a real possibility if the scientists and researchers continue their good work.


The Roots of the Rastafarian Philosophy

Haile Salassie I (1892-1975)
Ethiopian Emperor from 1930 to 1974

Haile Salassie I, was originally called Ras (Prince) Tafari Makonnen. He took the name Haile Selassie, meaning “Instrument in the Power of the Trinity,” when he became emperor. His early life was marked by tragedy. His 10 brothers and sisters were killed in a boating accident when he was a child, and his father died when he was 15. Ras Tafari was crowned Emperor on November 2, 1930, after the death of Empress Zauditu. He took the title Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Conquering Lion of Judea, and Elect of God, and immediately moved to establish Ethiopia as a modern state. He abolished slavery, instituted a constitution, and set up an appointed, advisory parliament and a more modern judiciary.

In 1935, Italy, which already controlled Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, invaded Ethiopia. Though Ethiopia was able to field an army of 1,000,000 men, it was not able to cope with air strikes, poison gas warfare, and modern mechanized assault tactics. Haile Salassie I was forced to flee in 1936, but return in 1941 when the British, with the aid of Ethiopian guerrillas, recaptured the country.

Under Haile Salassie I, Ethiopia became one of the charter members of the United Nations, and a leader in the establishment of the Organization of African Unity. When he first came to power, there were fewer than 10 schools throughout the country. Twenty- five (25) years later there were over 10,000. His autocratic rule, combined with famine in the Horn of Africa, resulted in unrest in the 1960s. He was over-thrown by a military coup in 1974 and murdered the following year. In addition to his legacy in Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I became one focus of Rastafarianism, a religion in Jamaica that derives its name from Haile Selassie’s original name, Ras Tafari

RASTAFARIANISM: A religion that developed in Jamaica in the 1930s and that continues to have a widespread impact. Rastafarians believe that the Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie I was a direct descendant of the biblical King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and was a living god. The Belief in the holiness of Haile Selassie derived from Marcus Garvey’s prophecy that an African King will arise who would unite all the black peoples in the world. Rastafarians do not cut their hair, nor does the men shave, their hair hangs in long twisted strands “dreadlocks”. Rastafarians see themselves as the reincarnation of the ancient Hebrews of Israel, and their interpretation of biblical scriptures differs substantially from mainstream Christian and Jewish doctrine. Rastafarian beliefs focus on the oppression of black peoples around the world, the future overthrow of wicked, repressive governments (referred to symbolically as Babylon), and the eventual triumph of the poor and righteous. Though many Rastafarians are vegetarians and refrain from using alcoholic beverages, the use of marijuana or “ganja”, is an important part of various Rasta rituals, especially “Groundation,” during which Rastafarians reaffirm their beliefs. Among the most famous Rastafarians was legendary Bob Marley.

Details taken from Susan Altman’s “Ency. of Afro.-Amer. Heritage”


Dealing with Sports Injuries

Dealing with Sports Injuries: Children & Adults:

Alfred Atanda Jr., MD
Prevention First

Worried about sports injuries? Don’t sweat it. Think of avoiding injury as just another part of playing by the rules only this rulebook is the one that keeps you from getting hurt. That’s because the best way to deal with sports injuries is to prevent them. Prevention includes knowing the rules of the game you’re playing, using the proper equipment, and playing it safe.
But you’ve practiced with your team, played it safe on the field, and still sustained an injury. Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world just the beginning of a healing process. Read on to find out what this process is and how you can deal with a sports injury.
What Are Sports Injuries?

Sports injuries are injuries that typically occur while participating in organized sports, competitions, training sessions, or organized fitness activities. These injuries may occur in teens for a variety of reasons, including improper training, lack of appropriate footwear or safety equipment, and rapid growth during puberty.

There are two general types. The first type is an acute traumatic injury. Acute traumatic injuries usually involve a single blow from a single application of force like getting a cross-body block in football.
Acute traumatic injuries include:

a fracture a crack, break, or shattering of a bone
a bruise, known medically as a contusion caused by a direct blow, which may cause swelling and bleeding in muscles and other body tissues
a strain a stretch or tear of a muscle or tendon, the tough and narrow end of a muscle that connects it to a bone
a sprain a stretch or tear of a ligament, the tissue that supports and strengthens joints by connecting bones and cartilage
an abrasion a scrape a laceration a cut in the skin that is usually deep enough to require stitches

The second type of sports injury is an overuse or chronic injury. Chronic injuries are those that happen over a period of time. Chronic injuries are usually the result of repetitive training, such as running, overhand throwing, or serving a ball in tennis.
These include:

stress fractures tiny cracks in the bone’s surface often caused by repetitive overloading (such as in the feet of a basketball player who is continuously jumping on the court)

tendinitis inflammation of the tendon caused by repetitive stretching
epiphysitis or apophysitis growth plate overload injuries such as Osgood-Schlatter disease

Often overuse injuries seem less important than acute injuries. You may be tempted to ignore that aching in your wrist or that soreness in your knees, but always remember that just because an injury isn’t dramatic doesn’t mean it’s unimportant or will go away on its own. If left untreated, a chronic injury will probably get worse over time.
What Can Be Injured?

You may think of your back or your arms and legs as the only places where you could get hurt while playing, but you can get a sports injury anywhere on your body, including your face, neck, head, back, sex organs, hands, and feet.
Head and Neck Injuries

Head injuries include concussions, contusions, fractures, and hematomas. A concussion is a violent jarring or shock to the head that causes a temporary jolt to the brain. If severe enough, or recurrent, concussions can cause brain damage but fortunately this is not common in teens. A hematoma is a bleeding or pooling of blood between the tissue layers covering the brain or inside the brain. All of these injuries can be caused by impact to the head from a fall, forceful shaking of the head, a blow to the head, or whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head.
Always wear helmets for contact sports and when doing activities like biking and in-line skating to prevent head injuries.

Neck injuries are among the most dangerous. You can hurt your neck through a sudden traumatic injury in sports like mountain climbing, skydiving, horseback riding, gymnastics, diving, rugby, judo, or boxing.
Neck injuries include strains, fractures, contusions, and sprains. Another very common sports-related neck injury is a stinger or burner from stretched nerves in the neck. Most neck injuries are caused by impact to the head or neck sustained during a fall or a blow. Your neck can also be injured a little at a time. Too much strain on your neck can cause increasing pain, sometimes only on one side of your neck. Sometimes you may feel only a slight pain when you move a certain way.

If the injury is severe and there is a chance that the neck might be injured, it’s very important to keep the injured person still with the head held straight while someone calls for emergency medical help. If the person is lying on the ground, do not try to move him or her. Never try to move someone who may have a neck injury a mishandled neck fracture could lead to permanent paralysis or even death.
How do these injuries happen? Serious head and neck injuries occur most often in athletes who participate in contact sports (like football or rugby) or sports with the potential for falling accidents, such as horseback riding.
Back Injuries

Back injuries include sprains, fractures, contusions, stress fractures, and strains and are caused by twists or overexertion of back muscles during bending or lifting movements. These injuries can occur in contact sports like football and ice hockey or in weight lifting, figure skating, gymnastics, dancing, baseball, and basketball.
Sex Organs

When it comes to injuries to the sex organs, guys usually suffer more trauma than girls because the penis and testicles are outside the body and lack natural protection during contact sports. Guys should always wear athletic supporters, or in some sports a cup, to protect the genitals from serious injury.

Injuries to the uterus or ovaries are rare, but breast injuries are common complaints among teen girls. As the breasts develop, they can often be sore, and a blow from a softball or a jab from an elbow, for example, can be painful. Girls should wear supportive sports bras while playing sports or exercising.

Hand and Wrist Injuries

Hand, finger, and wrist injuries include fractures, dislocations, and sprains and often occur in contact sports such as football, lacrosse, and hockey. Hand injuries can result from a fall that forces the hand or fingers backward, a forceful impact to the hands, or a direct blow.

Foot Injuries

Foot injuries can include ligament strains, stress fractures, heel bruises, and swollen growth plates. Because your feet support all of your weight and must absorb a lot of force over and over again, they can be particularly susceptible to injury. Another reason some teens may suffer foot injuries is because of differences in their feet. For example, some people have flat feet or high arches. These differences don’t mean that sports should be avoided, but it does mean that precautions, such as a special shoe insert, may be needed.

Taking Care of Sports Injuries

If your pain progressively increases with activity (what sports medicine doctors call an “upward crescendo”) and causes swelling, limping, or loss of range of motion, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
What kinds of pain should you be on the lookout for? Any injury that results in swelling, numbness, intense pain or tenderness, stiffness, or loss of flexibility should be taken seriously.
You should also know the difference between soreness and chronic pain. Soreness is temporary, but chronic pain continues over a greater length of time. For example, it’s not always necessary to see a doctor right away if your shoulder is sore, but you should schedule an appointment if the pain is worsening at any time or if it persists for a week or more. You should also see a doctor if your pain progresses from happening only after playing to happening during sports or if you notice it when you wake up or are doing daily activities.
The most important thing to do when you suspect you are injured is to stop doing whatever sport has caused the injury right away and go see a doctor. For more severe or complicated injuries, it may be best to see a doctor who specializes in sports medicine.

The doctor will examine your injury and use diagnostic tools such as X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the extent of your injury. MRI allows doctors to see soft tissues more clearly than X-rays or CT scans do.

Once the full extent of your injury is known, the doctor usually will start with conservative treatment techniques such as rest and ice to help decrease swelling. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen (like Advil or Motrin) may be prescribed. Splints, casts, and surgery also might be needed, depending on the injury.

One of three things will happen next. Your doctor may:

recommend that you not play while you heal
that you play and use a protective device (a knee brace or wrist guard, for example)
that you undergo rehabilitation (physical therapy)

Sports medicine doctors won’t let you play if you are at risk for getting another injury or aggravating an injury you are recovering from.

Getting Back in the Game

If your doctor has asked you to stop playing, your #1 question is probably “When can I play sports again?” This depends on your specific injury, so make sure you discuss this with your doctor. You can do other things while injured to stay fit without making your injury worse but make sure you check with your doctor first. These activities are known as cross training, and they include using stationary cycles, swimming, water therapy, and rowing machines.

Your rehabilitation program will also help you stay fit as you recover. Rehabilitation, or rehab, is the process that gets you back in shape and ready for action again. Rehab may be part of your treatment program and can include exercise, manual therapy from a physical therapist (a specialist who is trained to help you recover from a sports injury), and technology such as ultrasound. Ultrasound equipment is used to heat the injured area. This heat relieves pain, promotes healing, and increases your range of motion.
Playing Safe

What can you do to protect yourself from getting hurt again? Use protective gear such as helmets for contact sports like football that is appropriate to the specific sport.

When you return to play, you might need some new protective gear, including modified shoes (such as those with inserts or arch supports or those designed for use in a particular sport), taping (tape used to wrap a knee, for example, to provide extra support), knee and elbow braces, and mouth guards. These devices help support and protect your body part from strains, direct blows, and possible re injury.
To help prevent re injury, be sure to warm up adequately before practice and games. Remember to take it slow when you first get back into your sport and gradually build back up to your preinjury level.
Also, know your limits. If the previously injured part (or any body part) begins to hurt, stop immediately and rest. Don’t delay in seeking medical attention if the pain persists. It’s your body’s way of telling you something is not right.
So play, but play safe. Try to learn from your experience and do the things that can help you avoid getting hurt again.
What Can Be Injured?

You may think of your back or your arms and legs as the only places where you could get hurt while playing, but you can get a sports injury anywhere on your body, including your face, neck, head, back, sex organs, hands, and feet.

Head and Neck Injuries

Head injuries include concussions, contusions, fractures, and hematomas. A concussion is a violent jarring or shock to the head that causes a temporary jolt to the brain. If severe enough, or recurrent, concussions can cause brain damage but fortunately this is not common in teens. A hematoma is a bleeding or pooling of blood between the tissue layers covering the brain or inside the brain. All of these injuries can be caused by impact to the head from a fall, forceful shaking of the head, a blow to the head, or whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head.
Always wear helmets for contact sports and when doing activities like biking and in-line skating to prevent head injuries.

Neck injuries are among the most dangerous. You can hurt your neck through a sudden traumatic injury in sports like mountain climbing, skydiving, horseback riding, gymnastics, diving, rugby, judo, or boxing.
Neck injuries include strains, fractures, contusions, and sprains. Another very common sports-related neck injury is a stinger or burner from stretched nerves in the neck. Most neck injuries are caused by impact to the head or neck sustained during a fall or a blow. Your neck can also be injured a little at a time. Too much strain on your neck can cause increasing pain, sometimes only on one side of your neck. Sometimes you may feel only a slight pain when you move a certain way.

If the injury is severe and there is a chance that the neck might be injured, it’s very important to keep the injured person still with the head held straight while someone calls for emergency medical help. If the person is lying on the ground, do not try to move him or her. Never try to move someone who may have a neck injury a mishandled neck fracture could lead to permanent paralysis or even death.
How do these injuries happen? Serious head and neck injuries occur most often in athletes who participate in contact sports (like football or rugby) or sports with the potential for falling accidents, such as horseback riding.
Back Injuries

Back injuries include sprains, fractures, contusions, stress fractures, and strains and are caused by twists or overexertion of back muscles during bending or lifting movements. These injuries can occur in contact sports like football and ice hockey or in weight lifting, figure skating, gymnastics, dancing, baseball, and basketball.
Sex Organs

When it comes to injuries to the sex organs, guys usually suffer more trauma than girls because the penis and testicles are outside the body and lack natural protection during contact sports. Guys should always wear athletic supporters, or in some sports a cup, to protect the genitals from serious injury.

Injuries to the uterus or ovaries are rare, but breast injuries are common complaints among teen girls. As the breasts develop, they can often be sore, and a blow from a softball or a jab from an elbow, for example, can be painful. Girls should wear supportive sports bras while playing sports or exercising.
Hand and Wrist Injuries

Hand, finger, and wrist injuries include fractures, dislocations, and sprains and often occur in contact sports such as football, lacrosse, and hockey. Hand injuries can result from a fall that forces the hand or fingers backward, a forceful impact to the hands, or a direct blow.
Foot Injuries

Foot injuries can include ligament strains, stress fractures, heel bruises, and swollen growth plates. Because your feet support all of your weight and must absorb a lot of force over and over again, they can be particularly susceptible to injury. Another reason some teens may suffer foot injuries is because of differences in their feet. For example, some people have flat feet or high arches. These differences don’t mean that sports should be avoided, but it does mean that precautions, such as a special shoe insert, may be needed.

Taking Care of Sports Injuries

If your pain progressively increases with activity (what sports medicine doctors call an “upward crescendo”) and causes swelling, limping, or loss of range of motion, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

What kinds of pain should you be on the lookout for? Any injury that results in swelling, numbness, intense pain or tenderness, stiffness, or loss of flexibility should be taken seriously.

You should also know the difference between soreness and chronic pain. Soreness is temporary, but chronic pain continues over a greater length of time. For example, it’s not always necessary to see a doctor right away if your shoulder is sore, but you should schedule an appointment if the pain is worsening at any time or if it persists for a week or more. You should also see a doctor if your pain progresses from happening only after playing to happening during sports or if you notice it when you wake up or are doing daily activities.

The most important thing to do when you suspect you are injured is to stop doing whatever sport has caused the injury right away and go see a doctor. For more severe or complicated injuries, it may be best to see a doctor who specializes in sports medicine.
The doctor will examine your injury and use diagnostic tools such as X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the extent of your injury. MRI allows doctors to see soft tissues more clearly than X-rays or CT scans do.
Once the full extent of your injury is known, the doctor usually will start with conservative treatment techniques such as rest and ice to help decrease swelling. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen (like Advil or Motrin) may be prescribed. Splints, casts, and surgery also might be needed, depending on the injury.
One of three things will happen next. Your doctor may:

recommend that you not play while you heal
that you play and use a protective device (a knee brace or wrist guard, for example)

that you undergo rehabilitation (physical therapy)
Sports medicine doctors won’t let you play if you are at risk for getting another injury or aggravating an injury you are recovering from.
Getting Back in the Game

If your doctor has asked you to stop playing, your #1 question is probably “When can I play sports again?” This depends on your specific injury, so make sure you discuss this with your doctor. You can do other things while injured to stay fit without making your injury worse but make sure you check with your doctor first. These activities are known as cross training, and they include using stationary cycles, swimming, water therapy, and rowing machines.
Your rehabilitation program will also help you stay fit as you recover. Rehabilitation, or rehab, is the process that gets you back in shape and ready for action again. Rehab may be part of your treatment program and can include exercise, manual therapy from a physical therapist (a specialist who is trained to help you recover from a sports injury), and technology such as ultrasound. Ultrasound equipment is used to heat the injured area. This heat relieves pain, promotes healing, and increases your range of motion.
Playing Safe

What can you do to protect yourself from getting hurt again? Use protective gear such as helmets for contact sports like football that is appropriate to the specific sport.

When you return to play, you might need some new protective gear, including modified shoes (such as those with inserts or arch supports or those designed for use in a particular sport), taping (tape used to wrap a knee, for example, to provide extra support), knee and elbow braces, and mouth guards. These devices help support and protect your body part from strains, direct blows, and possible re injury.
To help prevent re-injury, be sure to warm up adequately before practice and games. Remember to take it slow when you first get back into your sport and gradually build back up to your preinjury level.
Also, know your limits. If the previously injured part (or any body part) begins to hurt, stop immediately and rest. Don’t delay in seeking medical attention if the pain persists. It’s your body’s way of telling you something is not right.
So play, but play safe. Try to learn from your experience and do the things that can help you avoid getting hurt again.


Understanding Fear

The Root of all Evil

Taken from Process Number Five on Fear, The Process, Church of the Final Judgment

Fear is at the Root of man s destruction of himself. Without Fear there is no blame.

Without blame, there is no conflict. Without blame, there is no destruction. But there is Fear; deep within the core of every human being, it lurks like a monster; dark and intangible. Its outward effects are unmistakable. Its source is hidden.

It can be seen on one level in furtive embarrassment, argumentative protest, social veneer and miserable isolation.  It can be seen on another level in the mammoth build-up of war machines in every corner of the world. It can be seen in the fantasy world of escapism known as entertainment. It can be seen in riot torn streets and campuses.  It can be seen in the squalor of ghettos and the pretentious elegance of civilized society.

It can be seen in the desperate rat race of commerce and industry, the sensational slandering by the press, the constant backbiting of the political arena and the lost world of the helpless junkie, who has passed beyond the point of no return. The tight-lipped suppression of the rigid moralist reflects it, as does the violent protest of the anarchist.

But more starkly and tragically than anywhere else, it manifests in the pale Grey shadow of the ordinary person, whose fear clamps down on all their instincts and traps him in the narrow confines of the socially accepted norm.

Afraid either to step down into darkness of their lower self or to rise up into the light of their higher self, we hang suspended in between, stultified or into an alien pattern of nothingness.

But to a greater or lesser degree, and manifesting one way or another, all human beings are afraid. And some of us are so afraid that we dare not show our fear. Sometimes we dare not even know our fear. For fear itself is a terrifying concept to behold.

We may confess to being afraid of violence and pain and even ghosts; and with such obvious terrors, pigeonhole our fear to our own satisfaction. But fear of people, fear of ourselves, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of our closest friends, fear of isolation, fear of contact, fear of loneliness, fear of involvement, fear of rejections, fear of commitment, fear of sickness, fear of deprivation, fear of inadequacy, fear of emotion, fear of GOD, fear of knowledge, fear of death, fear of responsibility, fear of sin, fear of virtue, fear of guilt, fear of punishment, fear of damnation, fear of consequences of our actions and fear of our own fear? How many of us recognize these fear presence in ourselves?

And if some of us recognize some of them, are we prepared to see the full extent of them? Do we know just how afraid we are? And do we know effect that our fear has on our lives? Do we know completely that, we are governed by our fear? And do we know the world is governed by the sum total of every human being’s fear, and ours is not excluded? Do we know the extent to which we are at odds with one another – despite some promising transparencies, simply through our fear of one another?

Do we know the extent to which we are at war with one another on every level from personal to world wide – because we are afraid? And do we know that wars and rumors of wars mount up in ascending spiral of violence and potential violence, as the fear in the hearts of men, intensifies?

Do we know that strife of every kind increases as hatred, resentment, jealousy and prejudice increase, and that all these stem from one thing only: Fear? And do we know that one thing only ensures the escalation of the spiral of violence and destruction, our unwillingness to recognize the full sum of our fear and its effects our fear of fear?

For each and everyone of us, as long as we or afraid, and unwilling to see with full clarity his fear and for what it is, contributes to the clipping conflict that has become the hallmark of this world of ours.

And as long as there is fear, together with unwillingness to see it clearly and completely, as long as human being are afraid and also fail to recognize the fact in their embarrassment, in their sense of failure, in their feeling of resentment and frustration, in their desire for revenge, in their guilt, in their confusion, in their uncertainty, in their disappointment, in their anxiety about the future and their wish to forget the pass, in their need to blame others and justify themselves, in their sense oh helplessness and despair, in their revulsion and disgust, in their need to be vicious and spiteful, in their failure to respond, in their sense of inadequacy, in their feeling of envy, in their futility, in their misery and in their scorn; as long as human being fail to see THEIR fear reflected in these and a hundred other manifestations of FEAR, then we will fail to see our part in the relentless tide of hatred and violence, destruction and devastation, that sweeps the earth. And the fear tide will not ebb until all is destroyed or faced, and understood by man.

It’s a Fact! Fear only Interferes with Sound Judgment, and is a Tool of Negativity

Sirron Kyles



W. Lewis Jr.

In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that she should
bring her own grocery bag because  plastic bags weren’t good for the
environment .

The woman apologized to him and explained,
“We didn’t have the green thing back in my day.”

The clerk responded, “That’s our problem today.
The former generation did not care enough to save our environment.”

He was right, that generation didn’t have the green thing in its day.
Back then, they returned their  milk bottles,
soda bottles and  beer bottles to the store.

The store sent them back to the plant to be washed
and sterilized and refilled,
so it could use the same bottles over and over.
So they really were recycled.

But they didn’t have the green thing back in that customer’s day.

In her day, they walked up stairs,
because they didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. They walked to the grocery store and
didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time they had to go two blocks.

But she was right. They didn’t have the green thing in her day

Back then, they washed the baby’s diapers
because they didn’t have the throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts –
wind and  solar power really did dry the clothes.

Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing.

But that old lady is right, they didn’t have the green thing back in her day.

Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house –
not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief,
not a screen the size of the state of Montana .

In the kitchen, they blended and stirred by hand because
they didn’t have electric machines to do everything for you.
When they packaged a fragile item to send in the mail,
they used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, they didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power
They exercised by working so they didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.

But she’s right, they didn’t have the green thing back then.

They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty
instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time
they had a drink of water.

They refilled their writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen,
and they replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull.

But they didn’t have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus
and kids rode their bikes to school or walked
instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service.
They had one electrical outlet in a room,
not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances.
And they didn’t need a computerized gadget
to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space
in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But isn’t it sad the current generation laments how wasteful the old folks
were just because they didn’t have the green thing back then?


I Didn’t Know!

Paula Vallen –

You can Hypnotize Chickens

A chicken can be hypnotized, or put into a trance by holding its head down against the ground, and continuously drawing a line along the ground with a stick or a finger, starting at its beak and extending straight outward in front of the chicken. If the chicken is hypnotized in this manner, it will remain immobile for somewhere between 15 seconds to 30 minutes, continuing to stare at the line.

You can have an erection once dead

A death erection (sometimes referred to as “angel lust”) is a post-mortem erection which occurs when a male individual dies vertically or face-down the cadaver remaining in this position. During life, the pumping of blood by the heart ensures a relatively even distribution around the blood vessels of the human body. Once this mechanism has ended, only the force of gravity acts upon the blood. As with any mass, the blood settles at the lowest point of the body and causes edema or swelling to occur; the discoloration caused by this is called lividity. Sorry, no photo for this one!

Your hand can have a life of it’s own

Alien hand syndrome (or Dr. Strangelove syndrome) is an unusual neurological disorder in which one of the sufferer’s hands seems to take on a life of its own. AHS is best documented in cases where a person has had the two hemispheres of their brain surgically separated, a procedure sometimes used to relieve the symptoms of extreme cases of epilepsy. It also occurs in some cases after other brain surgery, strokes, or infections. The HAND is after you!


Don’t laugh too much, it can kill you

Fatal hilarity is death as a result of laughter. In the third century B.C. the Greek philosopher Chrysippus died of laughter after seeing a donkey eating figs (hey, it wasn’t THAT funny). On 24 March 1975 Alex Mitchell, a 50-year-old bricklayer from King’s Lynn, England, literally died laughing while watching an episode of The Goodies. According to his wife, who was a witness, Mitchell was unable to stop  laughing whilst watching a sketch in the episode “Kung Fu Kapers” in which Tim Brooke-Taylor, dressed as a kilted Scotsman, used a set of bagpipes to defend himself from a psychopathic black pudding in a demonstration of the Scottish martial art of “Hoots-Toot-ochaye”. After twenty-five minutes of continuous laughter Mitchell finally slumped on the sofa and expired from heart failure. His widow later sent the Goodies a letter thanking them for making Mitchell’s final moments so pleasant.


A weapon could make you Gay

Gay bomb is an informal name for a potential non-lethal chemical weapon, which a U.S. Air Force research laboratory speculated about producing. In one sentence of the document it was suggested that a strong aphrodisiac could be dropped on enemy troops, ideally one which would also cause “homosexual behaviour”. So that’s how they got Saddam!


It’s true, Men can breastfeed

The phenomenon of male lactation in humans has become more common in recent years due to the use of medications that stimulate a human male’s mammary glands. Male lactation is most commonly caused by hormonal treatments given to men suffering from prostate cancer. It is also possible for males (and females) to induce lactation through constant massage and simulated ‘sucking’ of the nipple over a long period of time (months).

A supernumerary nipple (also known as a third nipple) is an additional nipple occurring in mammals including humans. Often mistaken for moles, supernumerary nipples are diagnosed at a rate of 2% in females, less in males. The nipples appear along the two vertical “milk lines” which start in the armpit on each side, run down through the typical nipples and end at the groin. They are classified into eight levels of completeness from a simple patch of hair to a milk-bearing breast in miniature suggests that mucophagy may be a natural and even healthy activity, which exposes the digestive system to bacteria accumulated in the mucus, thereby helping to strengthen the immune system.

So what crazy science stuff do you know? Comment it!


Cuba Today

Katherine Gordy


THE CUBAN REVOLUTION S 50th anniversary has sparked academic conferences, debates and articles assessing its past and future.(1) How and why has the revolution survived? What does the future hold for Cuba? Or, as it is often put, more crudely, what will happen when Fidel/Raul dies?


My responses to these questions have always been short. The Cuban revolution has survived much as any established system survives, through a combination of coercion and consent.(2) The future holds gradual change, again, much as in any system that has been successfully institutionalized.


The questions assume that without Fidel Castro, or his doppelganger brother, there would be no Cuban revolution. They also assume that nothing ever changes in Cuba until crisis forces it. The language of crisis pervades contemporary treatments of Cuba in the United States. Academic and journalistic analyses often argue that the Cuban state prefers this perpetual state of crisis, since it allows it to wield power.


Cuba, by these accounts, is in crisis because Raul has dismissed vice-president Carlos Lage and foreign minister Felipe Perez Roque. It was in crisis because Fidel Castro was ill, Raul had taken over, the Soviet trading block had disappeared, or the dollar had been legalized. Each crisis was supposed to be the beginning of the end. Each time that Cuba pulled through only bolstered Colin Powell s claim, issued after the 2003 arrest of 75 dissidents, that Cuba was an aberration in the West. (3)

But what makes Cuba unique is not, as Powell suggested, infringements on civil liberties or human rights (including the use of capital punishment, which the United States uses with abandon). What distinguishes Cuba from the United States is that in Cuba, ideology and pragmatism are constantly being held in tension. Ideology isn t a dirty word used to dismiss one s opponents. Pragmatism is always couched in ideological terms, and those ideological terms are rooted in history and in practice. The cycle of dream followed by disappointment is one that Cubans are used to.

Socio-economic equality, unified leadership and inclusive nationalism were fundamental aspirations in 19th century debates on annexation, slavery, independence and the nature of the Cuban Republic. The compromising of Cuban independence, most poignantly illustrated in the passing of the Platt Amendment (1902) following the Spanish-American war, was a shock to those who had long struggled for it.The term shock suggests a dramatically different interpretation of Cuban history. Shock recognizes important moments in Cuban history as times of re-evaluation rather than rejection of the past and an embrace of post-crisis normality. In Cuba as elsewhere, crisis may force dramatic change, but the history of the Cuban revolution is one of constant adjustment. The revolution is ready to outlast not just Fidel Castro, but Raul as well.


From Fidel s to Raul s Cuba Observers tend to see Raul as more pragmatic than Fidel, yet such distinctions between hardliners and reformers within the party are rarely useful. Both Castro brothers combine pragmatism and ideology. They would not have been so successful at staying in power were this not the case. within the party who are seeking reforms are motivated by pragmatic and ideological concerns, as are those opposing them. Raul is considered a hardliner, yet he is more concerned with the institutionalization process than Fidel, who tended to oppose in principle various market-oriented policies adopted in 1990s or treat them as temporary measures in light of exceptional circumstances.

If Raul is a hardliner, he is one who believes that new policies, and especially those that appear to mark a change in course, should be considered carefully and introduced with clear guidelines. Laws that are introduced as stopgap measures, as the experience of the 1990s has shown, are laws that few understand and few take seriously.


Raul s style of leadership involves more power sharing and consultation, both with other top party officials and with those below. He is not the only one running the show, although he is still at liberty to dismiss such important government officials as Carlos Lage and Perez-Roque, who were considered members of the Fidel camp and resistant to the institutionalization process.

Unless increased reliance on the market is accompanied by greater popular participation, some worry Cuba will wind up looking like China or Vietnam, with state-run market economies and little or no popular participation. In 2006, Cuban literary critic Desiderio Navarro voiced concern that neo-Stalinist elements might try to take over the power vacuum left by Fidel Castro.(4)

Critics on the left have also argued that pre-revolutionary class divisions in Cuba, obscured in the early years of the revolution, are re-emerging. Their argument shares a striking similarity with the argument that the radicalization of Cuban Revolution in the beginning of the 1960s was a betrayal of the popular reformist movement of middle-class professionals (July 26th Movement) that brought Castro to power.

Many of this movement s members left the country and this export of dissent has been an important element in the consolidation of the revolution. Many on the Cuban Left also departed. They felt betrayed, and still do, by the revolution s centralization of power and the narrowing of realms in which workers, black Cubans, farmers, and others whose interests the revolution claimed to defend could organize themselves.


These critics ignore the transformative nature of the revolutionary process. The revolution has created its own adherents from different classes in Cuban society through a variety of campaigns aimed either at bringing middle-class professionals into the fold (the literacy campaign, for instance) or improving the lot of the large number of people who did not share Cuba s prosperity in the first half of the 20th century. Middle-class converts became some of the strongest believers.


By the 1990s, Cuba s professionals had a variety of pre-revolutionary class backgrounds. The dollar economy created new class divisions that at times coincided with older divisions (people with pre-revolutionary middle-class backgrounds might be more likely to have family abroad from whom they could receive remittances, while black and mulatto Cubans were less likely to have those networks), and at times didn t (professionals, regardless of class background, were some of the hardest hit, were less likely to work in the dollar economy and are often supporters of the revolution).


Marketization: Who Benefits?

The class that does seem to be in the best position to benefit from the incipient market shock is the military, which is responsible for most of the foreign investment and joint ventures in Cuba.

Starting in the 1990s (long before Raul, a career military man, took over), the military became heavily involved in the market economy when the government cut military spending. It is the military s economic model of firm autonomy and hard budgets that is being introduced into the larger economy in the form of the Sistema Perfeccionamiento Empresarial (the System of Enterprise Improvement).

Raul admires the Chinese model, but is aware that Cubans would not tolerate the levels of inequality associated with this or the Vietnamese model. Such inequality would challenge the legitimacy of the revolutionary leadership, which has always attempted to balance growth with equity, and usually privileged the latter.


There is still reason for concern that increasing marketization of the Cuban economy may not be accompanied by greater political opening, so that those who are not among the new elites will remain marginalized.(5) However, this new elite is in part a creation of the revolution and not a class that was sitting in deep freeze for almost 50 years waiting for the right moment to make their move.

Many of these elites are advocating for more popular participation. For instance, Raul s daughter Mariela Castro Esp n is director of the Cuban National Center for Sex Education in Havana and a LGBT activist. While not part of the Central Committee, she has pushed for a participatory socialism in Cuba, arguing that this is the most effective way to preserve the socialist achievements of the revolution in the 21st century.(6) Ironically, this was the position of many academics at the Center for the Study of the Americas, which was disbanded in 1995 and its members repremanded in a speech by Raul Castro. Yet critical intellectuals do not identify as dissidents, in spite of such characterizations from abroad and occasionally by the Cuban leadership, and instead insist upon their particular role in the Cuban revolution as organic intellectuals whose loyalty lies with the principles of Cuban socialism.

The dissident movement in Cuba is disorganized and easily discredited by links, both real and fabricated, with the United States. While dissident groups are not all allied with the United States and do not always support U.S. policy toward Cuba nor free market capitalism, their voices are shut out by the war of words between the U.S. and Cuban government.


New Demands

Challenges come from elsewhere, including from those who grew up with the revolution. They don t remember the days of Batista when Cuba was a country of extreme wealth and extreme poverty, but they do remember the 1980s when the Cuban standard of living was something to envy and when Cuba was an important international player. They expect more, and yet their values are shaped by revolutionary ideology.


Another important venue for critique is in the arts. Hip-hop and nueva trova serve as vehicles to raise issues of race and class in Cuba. Literature provides a view of the rough side of Cuban life.

Students have begun making demands. They want their education to mean something. Last year students at the University of Havana met with the president of the National Assembly, Ricardo Alarcon, and complained about inequality, the privileging of foreigners, the dual currency, and the low purchasing power of the Cuban peso.


It is true that there is great frustration in Cuba. After surviving the collapse of the Soviet Union and a period of extraordinary hardship in Cuba, things seemed to be getting better in the late 1990s and early 2000s, only to slip back again. Changes, such as last year s legalization of cell phone use and the lifting of laws that restricted Cuban access to tourist hotels, are ones that few Cubans can really take advantage of. Many young people, and particularly professionals, are leaving Cuba.


As a consequence, one of Cuba s major challenges is to make use of its highly educated population and avoid brain drain. One way to do that has been through medical missions, which allow Cuban doctors to work abroad and earn a much higher salary than they otherwise would at home.

In some cases, exchanges work in favor of Cuba s larger economy. For example, Venezuela sells oil to Cuba at discounted prices while Cuba sends doctors to Venezuela.


Other issues include: the construction of new housing, as a chronic housing shortage forces generations to live together; the re-evaluation of the Cuban peso to boost its purchasing power and diminish the gap between wage earners and those with access to remittances or the tourist industry; and pursuing ecotourism as a way to capture hard currency without the negative social and environmental effects associated with tourism in the Caribbean and in Cuba.


Finally, another major concern has been with increasing production, particularly in the agricultural sector. The country spends roughly $2 billion annually on food imports. One quarter of that is paid for in cash to U.S. agribusiness. Two-thirds of food production in Cuba comes from private farmers who control only a small fraction of the farmland.


The government has handed over fallow, but arable, land to small farmers and made other increases in material incentives in order to improve production.


Cuba has not always been able to balance growth with equity, but perhaps its greatest legacy is that it has always tried and never allowed itself to lose sight of the latter. Its other legacy may that the politicization of all spheres of Cuban life can feel burdensome to Cubans, but can also spill out beyond control in ways that cannot fit easily into categories of dissidence or party dogmatism.



You Must First Love Yourself

Everyone has heard that you have to love yourself before someone else can love you. The reason for this is simple – our ideal partner is a reflection of us.

We attract people that are like us. Not just in terms of romantic, sexual/physical attraction. We attract them metaphysically – these people tend to turn up in our lives.

Each of us has a unique belief system, a way of seeing the world that is slightly different to everyone else’s. It’s almost like our ego has a fingerprint. What turns us on, what turns us off? What we feel is important.

Our political preferences, tastes in food and music, and so on, all arise out of this belief system. Our particular thoughts and feelings resonate with different aspects of the world around us. If your thoughts are dark, you like heavy metal. If your thoughts are happy, you like cheesy music. We like certain foods, like for example, coffee, because of the way they make us feel.

The types of people that come into our lives are affected by our beliefs. We meet people who have made the same sorts of choices we make. Where to live, which bar to go to, which supermarket to shop at. All these choices reflect our values and our way of being from day to day, minute to minute.

When you enter a seminar or lecture theatre, where do you sit? On the front row where you can ask questions or the back where you can fall asleep without being noticed? Our personality is reflected in the places we turn up… and so we end up being surrounded by people who are the same way.

Romantic compatibility has a lot to do with this. Why do we always ask our love interest what sort of music they like? We want to know they are on our wavelength. We want to know they are drawn to the same emotional experience, so we can trust that they will understand us.

It seems like this is easily faked. All you have to do is listen to someone talk passionately and agree with them. Find something from your own experience that is similar emotionally and share it. But this can be hard work. It’s much easier if your passions really are similar emotionally. That way, things just happen.

The problem comes when you are romantically attracted to people who are not on your wavelength. This means, people who are not right for you, but who have something that you respect, or admire, or just desire. You want to be with the other person to feel good about yourself, to fill some hole inside you or to change what other people think about you. These relationships are doomed to failure from the start, because of the amount of energy it takes to maintain them.

Do you like yourself? Would you be attracted to someone who was the opposite sex version of you? Are the people you are attracted to your mirror in terms of life philosophy, success, and social hierarchy?

The right person for you has similar political and religious views. Their life philosophy, work ethic, which matches yours perfectly. There are certain adjustments to make across the genders, for example power in men roughly equates to looks in women. But the stress in the relationship is directly proportional to your differences. A certain amount of stress is healthy and keeps things interesting, but only up to a certain breaking point.

When you think of the men or women who naturally come into your life, the ones who have the same interests and world view as you, are you attracted to them? The girls or guys who you know you could get, and just be with, just by turning round and saying you wanted them, and are they the sort of person you want? Are they the sort of person you want to be? If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll probably realize that the things you don’t like about them are the things you don’t like about yourself. So you reject that person and look for the qualities you want to see in yourself, in someone else.

If you like yourself, you will like the people you naturally meet, and they will like you. If you don’t like yourself, you will waste energy trying to get with people who aren’t like you, or you will settle for being with someone you don’t like.

There are two solutions to this. The first, and most important, is to learn to like you. The second is to turn yourself into the person that you want to be.

If you want to like yourself, one way to do it is to realize that you are the perfect you that anyone could be. No-one else can do the things you do quite like you. No-one sees the world quite the same way. No-one has precisely your talents, ambitions, or lack thereof. No-one screws things up the same way; no-one makes the same mistakes and faux pas’. At being you, for all your faults and weaknesses, you would get an A+. It’s ok to be the way you are – it must be, because the way you are IS the way you are.

Once you adopt this philosophy or one like it with regard to yourself, you will start seeing others the same way. The truth is, you probably are attracted to the opposite sex equivalent of you, it’s just you’re also turned off to them, for the same reasons you’re turned off from yourself. Accept yourself, and you will accept them.

Many people think that their drive to improve themselves stems from the things they don’t like about themselves. Feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, or just dislike and hatred for yourself actually won’t change; no matter how much you improve yourself. It is the feeling that needs to be dealt with, not whichever reason you rationalize at the time for feeling it.

It’s actually easier to change and improve yourself once you accept yourself. The same negative feelings of self-non-acceptance lock us in to being those things that we want to change. Change the feeling first, and the specific details will sort themselves out.

Look at the sort of person you want to get together with. You can become the sort of person who they would want to be with, assuming that you’re not already. If the person they want to be with is the sort of person that you don’t like, then you’ll have to let go of those feelings, because those feelings keep you from being like them.

Take the school computer nerd, who wants to get with the cheerleader. But the cheerleader likes the football players. She’s physically active; she parties a lot, and is confident in herself. So she looks for guys who are physically active, party a lot, and are confident in themselves. It makes no sense that she would want to be with a guy who locks himself in his bedroom, is anti-social, and can’t look her in the eye when he speaks.

So to get the girl, the nerd must become the football player. He can still play to his strengths with computers, and he needn’t play football. But he needs to adopt their way of being in terms of inward qualities. If he is truly attracted to the cheerleader, then he wants those qualities for himself anyway, and he dislikes the contradicting qualities he already possesses.

The nerd that truly doesn’t want to become the football player doesn’t truly want the cheerleader. He wants the bookish girl who is already on his wavelength. Either way, the solution is rooted in self-acceptance. If he accepts himself, he will accept the bookish girl. If once he accepts himself, he finds that he wants to become a footballer, he can have the cheerleader too.

Once you accept yourself you will realize your true motives for wanting someone you can’t have. If you want to be with them to compensate for your own shortcomings, you will no longer want them. If you want them because you want to be like their ideal partner, then you will become that person. So there is never a need to change you for someone else.

Accept yourself, and you will like the potential partners you can get.

Improve yourself, and you will get the partner you want.


By: Harris Smothers


Homelessness Can Happen!

Robert Guzman, Sirron Kyles

Understanding Homeless

Homelessness in the United States is a critical issue that requires everyone’s attention. Hundreds of thousands of Americans live on the streets or in shelters. It is estimated that there are between 900,000 and 2,000,000 homeless individuals in America on any giving night , and that between 3.5 million and 5.5 million Americans will experience being homeless during any given year. Over a five year period approximate 2 to 3 percent of the U.S. population, or 8 million people will be homeless for at least one night during any given year and about 10 percent of these will remain homeless (Harvard Mental Health Letter). Homelessness results from a number of factors some of which include an inability to pay for housing, loss of employment, and domestic violence. For many people being homeless may last a few days and for some a lifetime, some children are born into it, while others experience it at least once during their lifetime (Noll & Watkins).

Historically, homelessness has always been a problem in American society. Homeless people were known as “the wondering poor,” “sturdy beggars,” and as “vagrants”, but it was not until the late eighteenth century that homelessness became noticeable to society (Kusmer). According to the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, homelessness has been an enduring problem in the U.S. since the great depression, and has become more prevalent and diverse since the 1980’s. Lack of affordable housing has been cited as one of the major contributors to the problem of people being homeless. Housing is a scarce and important commodity; people without homes are more susceptible to illnesses and death as a consequence of living on the streets (O’Connell).

Homeless people also have an average income of less than half as their domiciled households and can be considered the poorest of the poor (Anderson et al. as cited in Craig and Timms), and “[g]iven the evidence linking homelessness to poverty and social disadvantage, it is hardly surprising that homeless people report higher rates of psychiatric disorder relative to the general population” (Craig & Timms). Researchers have found that a relationship exist between substance abuse and homelessness. Alcohol and drug use are “disproportionately” high among the homeless, addiction also increases the possibilities of displacement (National Coalition for the Homeless).

Homeless people have higher risk of death than the general population and also face many medical problems, such as diabetes, chronic diseases, arthritis, pulmonary diseases to mention a few, all which require attention, but many times such health conditions go untreated because of the lack of resources.

Homeless people face barriers when accessing health care, primarily because of a lack of insurance (Hwang).

The issue of domestic violence is also prevalent among the homeless, especially against single mothers with children, which is considered the fastest growing homeless population (Davis) due in part because nearly 4.4 million women are physically abused (Tower). There are of course other factors that enhance the chances of becoming homeless. These factors include education, race and employment.

It is important to raise community awareness about the effects of homelessness and the factors that contribute to it because it is a prevalent and serious issue in America society. Three important issues need to be highlighted when trying to increase community awareness about homelessness. First, the community needs to know who the homeless population is. Second, an understanding needs to exist of the causes of homeless, and finally why the community needs to become aware of issues dealing with homelessness. The homeless population can be defined as having a “lack [of] a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence and…Has a primary night time residency” (Hersberger).

There are a variety of factors that causes homelessness. People become homeless when they lose their homes, their family disintegrates, or due to a natural disaster, etc. (Davis). Because of factors like these there is a need for the community to become involved in decreasing homelessness, but this requires that the community become aware that the issue exist. Awareness may result in the community taking an active stand to combat homelessness. Toro and Warren suggest that awareness brings about participation and the establishment of education, job training, emergency shelters, and soup kitchens, which are beneficial for the homeless.

In order to have community awareness, one must be able to understand what homelessness is all about. There are three issues that can help in explaining the issue of homelessness and thus bring about community awareness. The first issue of importance is to understand who the homeless are and second how and why they have become homeless and finally understanding why it is that the community needs to become aware of homelessness. Many of these issues will be discussed in the following pages.

Who are the homeless?

At the beginning of the decade the stereotypical homeless person was portrayed as a middle aged, White alcoholic male, from an urban neighborhood who wandered the country as a vagrant, tramp or hobo, who lived in isolated downtown areas known as skid rows (Hombs). In order to understand who the homeless are there is a need for a clear definition. Hombs explains that there is no single definition of homelessness and thus provides several definitions. For example in one definition hombs explains that a homeless person is “anyone who lacks adequate shelter, resources, and community ties” (pg. 3). Another definition of homeless offered by Hombs is one form the national coalition for the homeless:

“Homeless means more than not having a place to sleep. Being homeless means having no place to save the things that connect you to your past, losing all contact with friend and family, and uprooting your children from school. It means suffering the frustration and degradation of living hand to mouth, depending on generosity of strangers or efficiency of a government agency for your survival, for your children’s survival.”(Hombs).

In order to understand who the homeless are there is a need for a clear definition, but a clear definition can be hard to explain. For example, Toro and Warren explained two major points of contention in defining homelessness. First is the issue of what constitutes living arrangements. Second, what length of time must one live in such arrangements to constitute homelessness, does living on the streets or in a shelter constitute a living arrangement and what is the length of time one must live in such living arrangements? Does sleeping in a shelter one night constitute homelessness, or does sleeping 3 nights or 30 nights? As aforementioned homelessness can be difficult to define.

However, one definition worth stating comes to mind. “Homelessness is a condition of detachment from society characterized by the absence or attenuation of the affiliate bonds that link settled person to a network of interconnected social structures” (Caplow, Bahr, and Stenberg, As cited in Glasser). The condition of detachment can be explained as an insecure attachment experience in which a person will develop a working model for constructing a negative world of himself and the world around him or her (Tavecchio & Thomeer).

The other important word worth defining is the establishing of social bonds which can be explained in terms of ones social networks. Homeless people establish social networks with one another to generate social capital resources and protection from physical harm, but have limited contact with family members or parents (McCarthy, Hagan, & Martin). Many homeless individuals lack positive social networks required to avoid being homeless. For example many women become homeless when their marriage breaks up, thus, they must find a different place to stay or for that matter a shelter were her social network is confined to other homeless women in the shelter (Michell as cited in Glasser).

People who are homeless can be categorized as chronic, deinstitutionalized or temporary homeless. The chronic homeless are more or less persons who are permanently homeless without a fixed home, and the most visible of the homeless population in the streets and shelters (Fantasia & Isserman). Deinstitutionalization can be explained as the discharging of previously and long term “hospitalized patients” and the current brief stay of psychiatric patients; it can be viewed as a revolving door of health care and the implementation of policies that make admissions of the mentally ill more difficult (Glasser; Glasser8; Bachrach). “This phenomenon is viewed as one of the major factors contributing to the large number of homeless in the United States (Evans & Forsyth). The temporarily homeless are characterized as those who have set backs but who can rely on family or friends to take them in or lend them money after an eviction or a night on the street, and who are able to move off the streets in a short time and regain control of their lives (Davis).

How do they become homeless?

The homeless population can be separated into three categories: The chronic homeless, the deinstitutionalized, and the temporary homeless. An exploration of the most important issues in each category will be explained and how such issues bring light on how people become homeless. The chronic homeless are considered to be the most visible of the homeless population (Fantasia & Isserman). Chronic homeless is usually a chapter which begins during ones childhood (Harvard Mental Health Letter), and goes on for years. Chronic homelessness has been associated with issues of drugs and alcohol use, and is usually prevalent among early adulthood homeless (O’Toole et al.

As stated earlier deinstitutionalization can be explained as the discharging of previously and long term “hospitalized patients” and the current brief stay of psychiatric patients (Glasser). According to Hodulik; deinstitutionalization is where the large percentage of mentally ill homeless comes from. Prisoners also face homelessness once released from jail, due in part to the difficulties they face in finding a place to stay and stable employment (Kushel). People become homeless as a result of the discharge from military or who were in service in past years.

The issue of homeless veterans is very serious “VA estimates that nearly 200,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. And more than half a million experience homelessness over the course of a year” (National Coalition for Homeless Veterans). The same source states that many of the veterans have served in World War II, Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, and the Gulf War. The issue of Deinstitutionalization can be viewed as a revolving door for veterans, because when previously homeless attend a health facility, and are then released with no place to go (Glasser). For example, in a study of veterans who were hospitalized for mental illness it was found that about 18 percent were homeless at the time of admission (Folsom et al.), which means that most likely they will have no place to go.

The temporary homeless includes people who are able to move off the streets within a short period of time and are able to regain control of their lives (Davis). Temporary homeless also include those who lack social and monetary resources, and who can rely on the goodwill of friends or family members to provide shelter (Rog & Buckner). Many are homeless due to a natural disaster, which makes their homes uninhabitable such as, flood, fire, earthquake (Davis)


Two other perspectives can also help us underline the issue of homelessness. On the one part you have the industrialized world and on the other you have the developing world. Homelessness in the industrial world is explained in terms of a lack of affordable housing, family disintegration, and drug and alcohol abuse, deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill. In the developing world homelessness was due in part by the explanation of urban and rural migration, severe unemployment, and large number of refugees and also victims of natural disasters (GlasserHowever this topic is too broad and it is beyond the scope of this paper to examine, but it is mentioned as an alternative explanation of why people become homeless.

Historical Perspectives

The issue of homelessness is not new to the US and can be traced back to the years when America was established. During the colonial period the effects of war were the main cause of homelessness. In the 1640’s “vagrant persons” were among the social outcast, but it was not until 1675 that there was an upsurge in the number of vagrancy in New England (Kusmer). Other issues that provoked a surge in homelessness were the French and India wars and the American Revolution of the 1756. The surge among the working class was also evident among indentured servants. In 1770 the majority of people sentenced in Philadelphia were run away servants, former slaves, escaped slaves as well as apprentices who had left their masters.

During the transitional period after the abolishment of slavery newly freed slaves in the north were disproportionately represented among the homeless. From 1823 to 1826 African American comprised 40 to 50 percent of all those in prison for vagrancy, and accounted for one-tenth of the general population. During this period vagrancy was identify with immigrants, particularly the Irish who in many cities comprised the majority of the homeless population. During the 1820’s authorities were assisted in their efforts with the passage of new vagrancy laws which punished beggars harshly.

In later years from 1850 to 1860 there were many unemployed workers, other peoples lives changed due the war, plagues or natural disasters, many others were just adventurers who wandered around. During the 1870’s hundreds of thousands of people wandered from place to place looking for employment, public assistance or any type of handout. Most of the homeless were unmarried young men their social disruption came about due to the war, a large amount of migration form Europe, and the economic depression of 1873, forced people to take life on the road (Fantasia & Isserma).

During a temporary economic boom at the end of the 1870’s some of the “tramps” or wandering men found permanent jobs and housing bringing about neighborhoods with a rapid growth around many cities, such as the Bowery District in New York. These types of neighborhoods were devoted to housing and providing services to these types of people. Neighborhoods such as this were composed as flophouses, pawnshops, cheap restaurants, used clothing stores and religious missions.

Areas such as these were known as “skid rows”, a name derived from the 19th century waterfront district of Seattle Washington, where timber was skidded down the river into the sawmills (Fantasia & Isserma). In the 1880’s the United States was in a moral panic which became know as the “tramp scare” or “tramp evil” because many lost their jobs and were displaced due to economic downturns, many of these men took to the road in search of better opportunities of work.

The “tramp scare” reached its peak from the 1880’s to 1890’s. Tramps were seen as pests and diseased. The word tramp was formulated in 1870 in America to describe the homeless or those who were moving constantly. Cresswell states that raw material, the increase economic downturns, and the national rail system were necessary in the creation of the tramp, which provided the motivation for mobility.

American Great depression

The onset of the American Great depression was an event that resulted in many people becoming homeless. The stock market crash of 1929 known as the worst economic issue to face America during that period brought about a surge in homelessness. Millions of Americans lost everything they owned; by 1933 one quarter of the workforce in America was unemployed. In 1932 sixty cities revealed that assistance, mostly through private charity was sheltering about 400,000 homeless (Fantasia & Isserma).

During this time the vast majority of homeless were sailors. In fact the first shelter was established in New York in 1933 which was thought to be a sailor’s shelter. During this time sources claimed that there were also about 30,000 women who were also homeless (Kustmer).

The word “homeless” became very well known in the 1980’s when a large increase of women, men and children became visible in the streets across the United States seeking a shelter or a place to sleep. For example in Los Angeles the homeless shelter capacity increased by three times between 1986 to 1996 from 3,495 to 10,800 beds. In Boston there was an increase of bed capacity of 246 percent between 1983 and 1995 and in Minnesota homeless shelters quadruple between 1985 and 1997 (Polakow & Guillean).

Wright and colleagues explained the issue of increase homelessness in the 1980’s as an emergent and significant social problem. Homelessness became an issue of discussion among mass media, scholars and policymakers and the public in general. To reinforce the statement above Burt and Cohenstate that in 1987 there were 194,000 homeless adults using soup kitchens and shelters. Due to much public interest in homelessness, congress introduced thirty-two separate bills addressing issues of homelessness, and considered a similar number in 1986

During the 1990’s homelessness was viewed as an issue which elicited apathy and anger in the general public. In New York for example, punitive tactics were brought about when dealing with the homeless. Mayor Rudolph Guiliani led the passage of the “quality-of-life” ordinance which allowed law enforcement officers to arrest any homeless person for any trivial misdemeanor, such as sleeping in the streets or sitting on sidewalks, by the end of the 90’s the National Law Center on Homeless reported that about 75 percent of 49 cities surveyed had such laws in their books (Kusmer). “In 1996 Urban Institute Survey estimate that in an average night 470,000 persons in the United States were sleeping in shelters, but a much larger number, close to 2 million, had experience homelessness at some point during the previous year” (Kusmer).

In the year 2008 millions of Americans lost their jobs, and many had increased economic insecurities. Hard times like this placed many demands on emergency social services, by 2009 over 25,000 people were sleeping in New York City shelters every night, and over 600,000 New Yorkers were using public shelters and soup kitchens every month. Public shelters in major cities across the United States faced overcrowding (Marcus).


During the past two decades before 2010 there has been an unprecedented increase in homelessness.

The lack of affordable housing and poverty has been one of the leading causes of homelessness (Duffield). Housing is viewed as an important solution in dealing with the homeless.

Since the mid-eighties the federal government has implemented national policy and new federal legislation to deal with the issue of homelessness which was seen as a national crisis, but regardless of government legislation about 12.5 million households are at risk of becoming homeless because of the high cost of housing and low paying jobs. In other words, there is not sufficient housing to accommodate those in need. For example in 2003 there was an 83 percent increase in requests for housing assistance, of the twenty-six US cities surveyed, 48 percent stopped accepting new applications (National Law Center on homelessness & Poverty).

In 1998 the Department of Housing and Urban Development reported that 5.3 million households were unable to find affordable housing, of these households one-seventh including 4.5 million children lived on less than 50 percent of the median income (Markos & Lima).According to the institute of children and poverty) “[b]etween 1997 and 2000 rents nationwide increased [by] 14%, which is a rate 30% higher than the overall inflation” (p. 2). The average wait for applicants applying for public assistance is 20 months, and for those hoping to acquire section 8 vouchers, which allows an individual to rent public housing at reduced prices in the open market, can expect to wait longer. In some places the wait is up to 84 month such is the case in parts of New Jersey, or 60 months in Miami (Clarke).

Lack of affordable housing can cause vulnerability to diseases and illness associated with malnutrition or inadequate health care which can result in homelessness. Another important issue to consider is the amount of earned income that goes to paying for a place to stay. For example Freeman explains that “in 1989, 17% of renters paid more than 50% of their income for rent” (p. 710). The federal government does provide housing assistance for about 4.6 million households, however roughly 9.7 million low-income people receive no housing assistance).


It should be no surprise that the lack of income is a significant contributing factor to homelessness. As aforementioned two trends are largely responsible for the increase in homelessness. First, the lack of affordable housing and second, the increased in poverty, it is obvious that people in poverty have a hard time or face challenges when paying for food, clothing, health care, child care and education. Over the years the number of poor people has increased in the U.S. In 2003 35.9 million people lived in poverty (National Coalition for the Homeless).

While many factors contribute to the increase in homelessness, two factors contribute to the increase in poverty, lack of work opportunities and a lack of public assistance. In a study of 777 homeless parents across 10 U.S. cities were surveyed, 78 percent of those were single mothers, while 19 percent were two parent families. The vast majority of those surveyed stated that a lack of child care and pregnancy were the two main reasons for their inability to find employment. Lack of child care or children being too young are cited as the main reason for unemployment in 7 out of 10 cities (Nunez & Fox).

Because of a lack of public assistance many low income house-holds and homeless people go hungry. In a study of 354 homeless women with children was conducted to understand whether respondents or their children had experienced hunger during that past year, it was found that 38 percent had a primarily adult hunger and 17 percent had both adult and child hunger (Wehler, Weinreb, Fletcher, Goldberg, Hungtinton, Scott, Hosmer, & Gunderson).

Mental illness

Mental ill homeless “represents one of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged segments of the society” (Folsom, Hawthorn, Lindamer, Gilmer, Bailey, Golshan, Garcia, Unutzer, Hough, & Jeste). Approximate four percent of the US population suffers from mental illness and about 20 to 25 percent of the homeless population suffers from some form of serious mental illness. The diagnoses include chronic depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorders and severe personality disorders (National Resources and Training Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness). Affective disorder can be characterized as “pertaining to feelings and emotions” (Okun). Wong) states that in previous years the homeless adult population documented as much as three quarters of diagnosable mental illnesses. The same author states that recently empirical evidence places this figure at one third of the homeless population as suffering form severe mental illness. Some of the homeless have had a life time diagnoses of mental illness. For example, in one study of 445 homeless it was found that 51 percent had a life time diagnoses of DSM-IV Axis 1 disorder.

The most common among these types of disorders was the affective disorder (Caton, Dominguez, Schanzer, Hasin, Shrout, Felix, McQuistion, Opler, and Hsu). In a study of 430 respondents of 18 years and older who had reside either in a shelter or some type of agency which provided meals to people in poverty, in order to qualify for this study individuals had to have stayed in an unconventional accommodation such as a temporary shelter, the streets, hotel or motel paid by vouchers, or in abandoned buildings, within the 30 days proceeding the interview of the study.

Of the 430 respondents about 20 percent had current diagnoses of severe mental illness and 77 percent had a major affective disorder. The majority 58 percent were diagnosed with schizophrenia and also a major affective disorder (Wong). In another study of 10,340 persons with mental illness, which was design to examine the prevalence and risk factors of treating the mentally ill over a one years period (1999-2000) it was found that the prevalence of homeless was 15 percent, from those, 20 percent suffer schizophrenia, 17 percent bipolar disorder and 9 percent depression (Folsom et al).

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is another important subject pertinent to homelessness. As mentioned earlier, homeless people use health care at a very high rate. However, much of this high rate has to do with substance abuse. Substance abuse is also linked with loss of housing and breakdown of social bonds. Substance use is extremely prevalent among the homeless population and it can be a major precipitant of homelessness (O’Toole, Gibbon, Hanusa, Freyder, Conde, & Fine). In a study by Kushel, Hann, Evans, Bangsberg, & Moss of 1325 homeless participant it was found that 60 percent reported using illegal drugs at least once over the past year, 50 percent of the participants reported using Crack cocaine, and 84.4 percent reported using some type of drug during their life time.

To support the relationship that exists between life time use of drugs and homelessness Caton et al., study of 445 homeless people found that 53 percent of participants had a lifetime diagnosis of substance use disorder, the most commonly used substances were cannabis, cocaine and alcohol, and 44 percent had received treatment for substance abuse. In another study of 531 adult homeless people from two major cities (Pittsburgh and Philadelphia) were interview to assess their substance use.

Overall, 78.3 percent of respondents met DSM-III-R criteria for substance abuse or for dependence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of alcohol and drugs. Chen, Tyler, Whitbeck, and Hoytstudy of 356 female homeless and runaway adolescent found that 64.9 percent used marijuana, 22.4 percent used amphetamines and about 19.6 percent used hallucinogens during the last year.

Alcoholism among homeless is very prevalent, In fact about 40 percent of homeless have problems with alcohol, and several studies demonstrate that homelessness and alcohol use go hand to hand. For example, in a study of 1325 homeless participants about one quarter or 23.9 percent reported having problems with alcohol during the last year, while 44 percent reported having alcohol problems during their lifetime (Kushel et al.,).

In a study of 186 homeless and runaway youth in Denver Colorado using a self administered questionnaire from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), it was found that in the past 9 month of the date of the study 75 percent had used marijuana, 69 percent used alcohol, 30 percent used hallucinogen and 25 percent used ecstasy (Leeuwen, Hopfer, Hooks, white, Perertson, & Pirkopfm,).

Health care

The number of Americans who do not have health care continues to rise. In the year 2003 there were about 15.3 percent or 43.6 million Americans without health insurance and the number grew in 200 to 44 million (U.S. census, 2004). Homeless individuals have a high rate of health care use and are admitted to hospitals up to 5 times more that the general population. Homeless people suffer from a wide variety of medical issues. Homeless people in their 40’s or 50’s can develop diseases that are commonly seen in much older adults. Homeless who live on the streets have higher health issues than homeless who live in shelters. The most prevalent health issues facing the homeless population range from seizures, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, diabetes and respiratory tract infections, oral and dental health is also commonly poor among the homeless (Hwang,).

These illnesses in conjunction with inadequate health care, and poverty lead to high mortality rates among the homeless population. For example in Philadelphia the mortality rate for homeless adults was 3.5 times higher than the general population, and in a study of homeless using shelters in New York found that death rates of homeless were 2 to 3 times higher than that of the city’s general population (Cheung & Hwang). It is important to mention that homeless children face higher rates of health related problems when compared to children who have homes. In a study of 293 homeless and 334 low-income housed children between the ages of 3 months old to 17 years old, it was found that homeless children were more likely to report poor health that their housed counterparts (Weinreb et al.,).

Domestic Violence

It is estimated that about 60 percent of mothers have experience some form of domestic violence in their lives, making the connection between homelessness and domestic violence undeniable (Homes for the Homeless). In fact “domestic violence was named as the primary cause of homelessness in nine out of the twenty cities surveyed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors in 2003” (National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty), about one in four mothers reported been homeless as a result of leaving their home to escape domestic violence and almost half of school age children who are homeless reported witnessing domestic violence). Many adolescents are also victims of abuse.

For example in a study of 361 female homeless and runaway adolescent it was found that 32 percent reported been sexually abused by an adult caretaker and about 23.7 percent reported that at some time a parent or caretaker requested sex, and about 22 percent of these youth reported been forced to have sexual intercourse (Chen, Tyler, Whitbeck & Hoyt). Domestic violence definitely plays a role in homelessness, due in part to the high increase in victimization of youth. It is estimated that 25 percent of girls and 10 percent of boys suffer some type of victimization before the age of 18 (Finkelhor, 1993 as cited in Chen et al., 2004). In fact, adolescents rank sexual abuse as the most important reason for running away from home (Chen et al.).

Other factors

There are other additional factors that increase the chances for people becoming homeless. These include educational, employment and race. All three factors contribute in one way or another to people becoming homeless, sometimes one individual factor is enough for one to become homeless, in other cases all factors are directly and indirectly tie to homelessness.


Education traditionally has been regarded as a tool for social mobility. The homeless population however seems to be deprived of the benefits of school, especially young children, mainly because of their constant mobility to shelters, hotels or the constant movement on the streets (Fantasia & Isserma). Homelessness severely affects the health of children, especially issues of physical and mental problems which clearly impact the children’s ability to attend school. In addition to this, homeless students face problems with school attendance, residency requirements, lack of school supplies and a lack of transportation.

About 45 percent of homeless children do not attend school on a regular basis and 12 percent of school-aged homeless children are not enrolled in school while being homeless (Duffield). Children who are homeless, poverty stricken experience higher levels of learning disabilities than other children (Markos & Lima). Homeless student are also at a disadvantage when doing school work, mainly due to a lack of access to computers, libraries, and class materials (Vissing).


Homeless people face many barriers when seeking to gain employment; such barriers include a lack of child care, pregnancy, transportation, lack of permanent address, etc. In the United States about 79 percent of homeless parents are unemployed, and nearly 4 percent of homeless individuals have never worked, and about 12 percent have been unemployed for more than two years (Nunez & Fox). For those few that can work, jobs are usually part-time with low wages and no benefits, which leave little resources to pay rent, bills and essentials for the family (The Institute for Children and Family).


In a study of homeless families African Americans were heavily over represented in the homeless population. Nationwide over 58 percent of homeless families are African American, followed by Whites who compose 22 percent of homeless families and finally Latinos who compose 22 percent of homeless families. The greatest proportion of African American homeless are in the Southern, Midwestern and Eastern cities, Latinos are the New York and southwest, and the highest proportion for whites is in the Northeast and smaller cities (Ralph & Cybelle, 1999).

In a study of 370,000 residents who had experience homelessness within the previous 5 years of the study in Los Angeles California during the spring and summer of 1997, it was found that while all ethnic and racial groups were prominent for becoming homeless, it was found that Latinos, Whites and African Americans represented the largest homeless population during this time. Latinos for example represented 43 percent; whites comprise 35 percent and African Americans 17 percent (Cousineau).

Facts on Who Are Homeless

The deinstitutionalized homeless are those who are released from hospital, prison with no place to go (Davis).

About 12.5 million households risk the possibility of becoming homeless because of the high cost of housing and very low paying jobs (National Law Center on homelessness & Poverty).

Many people leave their homes voluntarily or forcefully, for example, battered women, and runaway teens, (Davis).

Many people are homeless because of a natural disaster, which makes their homes uninhabitable for a long period of time (Davis).

Homeless who experience sexual abuse have higher rates of substance abuse (Chen et al.).

About 40 percent of homeless work part or full time during any given month according to the National Law Center on homelessness & Poverty.

Homeless people have a greatly increase risk of death (Hwang).

Children who are homeless on any given night ranges from 61,500 to 500,000 (Davey).

The majority of homeless populations are people of color (North & Smith).

Approximate 2 to 3 million people experience an episode of homelessness during a given year (Caton, et a.).

Single women with children represent one of the most rapidly growing groups of the homeless population (Zugazaga).

Facts on Why People Become Homeless

People who are released from hospital, prison, residential institution or leave the armed forces and have not place to live (Davis).

About 12.5 million households risk the possibility of becoming homeless because of the high cost of housing and very low paying jobs (National Law Center on homelessness & Poverty).

Many people leave their homes voluntarily or forcefully. For example, battered women, runaway teens (Davis).

Between 1997 and 2010 rents increase 14 percent nationwide (Institute for Children and Poverty).

There is not enough emergency shelter to meet the need (National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty).

In 2004, 17 percent of people renting a home paid more than 50 percent of their income to rent, in 2008, 20 percent did (Freeman).

Homelessness is the manifestation of lack housing and poverty (Duffield).

About 30 Percent of homeless have a form of mental illness (Davis).

Children who are homeless on any given night ranges from 61,500 to 500,000 (Davey).

About 12.5 million households are at risk of becoming homeless due to high housing cost and low-paying jobs (National Law Center on Homelessness & poverty).

About 30 percent of homeless are substance abusers (Davis).

Lack of care from a parent during a childhood increases the chances and likelihood of homelessness (Herman et a.).

Facts on Community Awareness

Most people confronted with homelessness, reach with a wanting to help (Foscarinis).

Providing supportive services to people in housing has proven to be good and affective in achieving residential stability and improving mental health (National Resources and training Center on Homelessness and Mental illness.

Polls found that 60 percent of those surveyed indicated a willingness to pay more taxes to help people who are homeless (Toro & Warren).

Many people see homelessness as a gross social injustice, and a good number volunteer, donate goods, contribute money, and some offer their professional services (Foscarinis).

A national surveyed found that 65 percent of Americans are willing to pay and extra more in taxes to help homeless people (Toro and Warren).

Integrated mental health and substance abuse treatment deliver by multidisciplinary mobile treatment can reduce symptomalogy and improve functioning of the community (National Resources and training Center on Homelessness and Mental illness).

Ending homelessness will required closing the gap between housing cost and earned income (National Coalition for the homeless).

The implementation of fundamental principles of human rights is critical (National Law Center on homelessness & poverty).

To prevent homelessness there must be enough low-income housing, income support, low health care services (National Coalition for the homeless, 2010).
