Boll Weevil

E. VirGinia Johnson

ibollwe001p4IN THE TINY town of Enterprise, Alabama, there is a statue dedicated to an insect—the boll weevil.

This  insect decimated the cotton crops of the south in the early 1900s, which was a devastating blow to the farmers. To overcome this challenge/opportunity, the farmers in Enterprise decided to plant peanuts instead of cotton. They found that they could harvest more peanuts per square foot than they had been able to do with cotton, so their peanut harvest was far more prosperous. In 1919, the Enterprise town leaders memorialized the insect by erecting a statue and a plaque that reads, in profound appreciation of the boll. Many times, a challenge/opportunity will appear in our lives, and It IS simply a herald of prosperity if we choose to see beyond the outer appearances.

Boll WevillThese are the times when we are urged to see the big picture, that God IS in everything and everyone, and that something bigger is trying  to birth through the challenge/opportunity. Claim the challenge/opportunity as your sign and your herald of PROSPERITY! Then move forward with confidence, knowing that everything is unfolding in Divine Right Order for you’re NEW and BIGGER LIFE. Science of Mindweevil and what it has done as the herald of prosperity. A synonym for herald is assign, a messenger. The leaders recognized that the blight of the boll weevil was simply a messenger that prosperity was on its way.


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