Are America’s ultra conservative laws becoming it’s financial downfall?
There really is simple ways to fix America financial and job problems, but we must be willing to think out side of the Box in order to make it happen! The only hope of turning the economy around really rest on three laws, that must be amended, over turned, or struck down in order for full long term recovery to happen.
1. Change the tax Laws for the upper 2%
2. Immigration laws reform
3. Legalize Cannabis/Marijuana
All of us must agree that both Medicare and Social Security should be overall, but only if it does not impact senior citizens or the disable.It is said that the US has always been controlled by a small minority, mostly white, extremely wealthy that have use their wealth and influences to created fear misinformation by manipulating and spinning half truths, that has influence the public, in order to maintain power over Americans. They specialize in securing lobbyist to do there bidding in Congress for support of laws that allow them to maintain that power and control. It is said they will fight any changes to these laws.
The government must adjust, amend or strike down these laws, which are undermining the very fabric of our financial and cultural systems. All they have done is create debt and wasteful spending while inciting fear. Has to be done America is going to get out of this mess.
TA X INCREASE, which is included in most sound genuine recovery plans, I agree that reforming the tax laws, but with a plan guaranteeing millions of long-term non-government jobs if implemented. Make it perfectly clear, that not one of these jobs related to this tax plan would be a Federal job!
By taxing the upper 2% of those with higher incomes, in order to address the nations debt and job issues is a must. Congress continues to make emotional political decisions, with little regards to sound reasoning passing plans that only hurt Americans, and will not work. Again they need to think out side of the box.
The 2% affected by the tax increase should have the option to pay the increase to the government, or use the exact amount of the tax due, to hire long-term employees. Perfect for providing; job opportunities for veterans. Of course employers must be able to justify hiring additional employees, this can be achieved by adjusting the products or services that their company provide to match the demands of China, India, Indonesia, and other large populated countries and create much needed job opportunities for veterans and help off set the US debt with China. This plan should be agreeable for the House GOP.
IMMIGRATION LAWS REFORM is a must. Instead of spending millions of dollars on preventing illegal aliens from illegally entering America, let these potential illegal aliens, allegedly paying coyotes/smugglers $4,000/$7,000 per person on average to be smuggle into the US, pay the US.
Instead of this money going to smugglers/drug lords, change the laws so that fees can be paid to the US towards an application for applying for legal entry status. This plan if implemented would also deal major blows to the drug lords, who use the illegal aliens to smuggle drugs.
LEGALIZING CANNABIS/Marijuana would eliminate nearly 500 Billions dollar (DEA budget, http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/Marijuana), that is spent annually fighting drug smuggling, not to mention the billions of dollars in aid to Mexico, Columbia and other countries in support of the drug war. These laws put in place by the US, create the drug wars, and in order for it to end the law has to be, abolish.
This drug law in theory is racist, and based on conservative moralist thinking, with the intent and willingness to control others. Fighting a drug war supported by the Americans, which creates the need for smugglers, is crazy. Americans use some $250,000,000 of marijuana/cannabis annually.
The majority of cannabis, smuggle into the US is grown in Mexico. Tax the users, same as taxing alcohol cigarettes, etc. This would also allow the DEA to concentrate it focus on the 4 or five countries that grow, process and produce cocaine and heroin, the roots of drug addiction around the world. Unlike cannabis, which is grown everywhere in, the world cocaine and heroin is harvest in only a few countries.
I also agree that both the Medicare and Social Security systems should be overall. There is no reason for anyone making over $250,000 a year should receive Medicare or Social Security benefits even if they are older than 65. The younger generations are living heather longer, and I have no problem in the enrollment age limit being raised to 67, for all citizens under 55 years of age.
It is well-known facts that America ‘s infrastructure is falling apart in the US, which can be used to provide job opportunities for all able veterans, waiting to happen.
A good idea I endorse is Americans should by American made, products and services if possible!
These are my ideas; get involve, let you legislators know yours.