A Great Gift

How Wonderful It Is To Realize That We Have A Great Gift

By:  E. VirGinia Johnson “Genii”

Happy Faces 4 The next time you are in the market, notice the many choices you have. You like cheese? Well, there is Gouda, cheddar (sharp or mild), goat cheese, mozzarella; the list goes on.

What are we choosing in the marketplace of our thoughts? Are we choosing doubt? Fear? What are we picking from the shelves of consciousness and putting into the baskets of our lives? We must make sure to put Joy on the shopping lists of our thoughts. Joy is a High Vibration that attracts more Joy. Life can be easy; however, we must choose to see it that way.

Set the intention to enjoy this day no matter what. If something goes amiss at work, remember Joy. If the job interview turns sour, remember Joy. If someone cuts you off on the road, remember Joy, if some horrible event happens, remember joy.

When we are in Joy, we create an atmosphere that says we are ready for greater things to happen. The items we have on our shopping lists of Life begin to show up. Work becomes a pleasure, or we move on to greater things. The interviews that seemed to go sour actually turn out to be sweet experiences. The people who cut us off on he road are blessed because the Joy we feel in our lives touches them.

Today, and everyday, chooses to be in Joy. Enjoy the day because it is Good.


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